Page 2 of Needing Her

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“Why are you always like that with Gabby? She really wants to be your friend, Thea.” I try to reach her. I hate this rift between the two of them. Gabby is my woman and Thea is my family. I want them to get along. Breaker, Thea’s brother, is my best friend. Once this mess with Thomas and his unreasonable attraction to Gabby gets cleared up, I’d love to take my girl to Breaker’s, and I know Thea is there a lot. Hell, I even asked Gabby to come by today so we could talk. We really need to. There’s shit we have to clear up. Yet now Thea has me feeling guilty because she obviously doesn’t want her here. Jesus, life shouldn’t be this fucking complicated.

“You know what I find completely mind-blowing about you?”

“What?” I ask, knowing she’s pissed at me—yet again. Anytime Gabby comes up in the conversation with her, it all goes south.

“That you seem like an intelligent guy—a man who has it altogether.”

“Thea, I know you still have a crush on me. Gabby told me you tried to convince her there was something between us. I didn’t confront you because there wasn’t a need. I don’t want to hurt you. I’m flattered, but?—”

“And if that bitch tells you something, it’s the law. Right, Dom?”

“I can’t talk to you when you get like this. You’ve always been jealous of Gabby. You really need to quit obsessing over her and my relationship with her. Concentrate on your own life, Thea. It’s time you focus on your own happiness.”

She raises her hand to slap me, and I catch it, wrapping my hand around her wrist, holding it mere inches from my face.

“I have never been jealous of that bitch. I hate her. She plays you and Thomas like violins, and you let her. Gabby’s tearing you and your brother apart and it’s going to cost you everything and you won’t even try to wake up. Dom, look around you! There are other women who would appreciate you. Women who would build you up, not tear you down.”

Her words floor me, but not nearly as much as the look on her face. Does she truly still think she’s in love with me? I thought we were past that now. “Women like you, Thea?”

“I didn’t say that,” she snaps, trying to jerk her hand away.

“But that’s what you mean, right?” I goad her. My fucking heart is feeling like it skips a beat when I look at her face. Does she still want me?

“I didn’t say that!” she repeats, this time in more of a growl as she tries to pull her hand away.

I don’t know what possesses me. I should let her go, walk away, and put Thea out of my mind. Yet, when she looks at me, I see hurt slash across her face and for once in her life, there’s a vulnerability that she’s never let me look at before. Hell, I don’t think she’s let anyone see it before. I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, but suddenly my lips are on hers, my tongue is pushing into her mouth. I groan as I taste her, and flames lick up my body in a hunger that I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before. The intensity should scare me, but instead it just makes me hungry for more. She doesn’t fight me either. Her sweet, little tongue wraps around mine, accepting my dominance as her nails bite into my back. She holds onto me as if I’m the air that she needs to breathe, and fuck, that feels good. I slide my hand under her shirt, my rough, callused fingers gliding against the soft, warm skin of her ribs.

“Dom,” she breathes, and fuck me, her voice has never sounded sweeter. It wraps around my cock, seizing me in a stranglehold that I’m not sure I can ever escape. I groan with the need to have the woman whom I labeled forbidden fruit long, long ago. The woman I knew I could never touch. I try to remember all the reasons why, but not a single fucking one of them come to mind. Our mouths come together again, colliding with a force that I’ve never known before. Her tongue delves into my mouth and fights mine for dominance. I take over, making her submit to me.

All I can think of is how hot her skin is to my touch, how good it feels to have my cock pressed into her, how much I hate the clothes that are separating us, and just how fucking much I want to have her beneath me and sink balls deep inside her.

I’d like to say I don’t know where this hunger is coming from, or what is making it burn so damn hot, but I’d be lying. I’ve wanted Thea for a while. Ever since she first asked me to kiss her. Way before I should’ve even fucking looked at her like a woman. I’ve always denied it and locked those emotions up tight. Maybe I still could have—if she hadn’t shown me that pain and uncertainty in her eyes. Seeing her without her defenses firmly in place, it’s just like that moment two years ago. A moment I can’t forget—even if I should… Shit.

I damn near whimper when my hand glides against her silk and lace bra. I want to lift her shirt so I can see her. Cupping her breast, I squeeze gently.

Thea’s head falls back, exposing her neck, and I’m drawn to it like a moth to a flame. I scrape my teeth against the sensuous column of her neck, tasting her skin as my tongue flicks along the same path, until I reach the shell of her ear. “Jesus, Thea,” I groan. “I need?—”

“What the fuck is going on here? Is this why you wanted me here, Dom? You wanted me to see you fuck some club whore?”

Thea tears out of my arms. I let her. I didn’t mean for it to go this far. Jesus, I never meant for this to happen at all. I’m having trouble even thinking. All I can see is Thea’s swollen lips and I want to kiss her again—even though I know I shouldn’t. I can’t even tear my gaze away to look at Gabby. Even knowing she is standing by the door, hurt and mad as hell, I still want Thea’s mouth again. Motherfucker.

“I’m not a club whore,” Thea growls.

“You’re acting like one,” Gabby huffs. “You’re grinding against my man with a hundred people in the next room. Why don’t you two just go back into the party and give them a show, just like the rest of the club twinkies do? Let your parents see the real you for a change.”

“You have about two seconds to shut your mouth, or I’ll shut it for you,” Thea warns, her voice sounding as cold as I’ve ever heard it.

“You can try it, if you think you’re woman enough,” Gabby dares her, making the whole situation worse. Gabby thinks Thea can’t defend herself because of her leg. Nothing could be further from the truth. I should call an end to this. Hell, I have to call an end to it.


“You invited this bitch to my party, knowing how I feel about her,” Thea accuses me, her eyes narrowed and filled with disgust. Fuck. Her defenses are firmly back in place. I find myself mourning the fact that I can’t see the vulnerability I saw before.

I watch as she turns, and using her cane, she approaches Gabby with determination, each step measured and deliberate.

I see Gabby’s eyes go big as saucers. I know why. Thea has always just walked away—always avoiding conflict. She has never said one word back to anyone that comes at her. She mostly ignores them completely. This time is different. Thea doesn’t even give a warning. She quickly jabs her fist straight into Gabby’s throat. Gabby does down almost instantly, wheezing while trying to get her breath back. Her hands come up to her neck as her eyes look panicked.

Jesus! How did everything go so wrong?

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