Page 32 of I Can't Even

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There was a lot to unload there, and I would comment on all of it eventually, following up with more questions. However, there was one thing in particular that was on the forefront of my mind.

“Why do you go on so many dates?” I asked. “There’s no way you haven’t found a man who would be hopelessly devoted to you.”

A faint flush crossed her face as she absorbed my compliment.

She didn’t answer until we were seated in the back, far away from prying eyes and ears.

“I made a deal with myself at the new year that I’d go on every single date that anyone asked me on until I found the one,” she answered, sounding exhausted. “I just didn’t know I’d be accepting ones from complete losers. Or getting invited to possible murder hikes.”

My eyes lost some of their warmth at her reminder.

“I actually wanted to talk to you about that,” I started, smiling at the waitress when she arrived.

“I’ll have a sweet tea, please,” I ordered.

The waitress, who looked like she spoke just a smidge of English, pointed her stack of order forms at Ellodie.

“I’ll have a lemonade.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, either.

It was only as the waitress was all the way back behind the counter across the room that she said, “About the murders?”

“About the murders,” I confirmed. “And after what I witnessed today, I think maybe you need a lesson in survival.”

Her brows rose. “I’m a farm girl, born and raised. I am the ultimate survivor.”

I was already shaking my head. “How many men were in that gas station we just went to?”

She frowned. “Two? I think there was one behind the counter, and one looking at the drinks.”

“There were four,” I said. “The dude behind the counter was actually a girl. She asked me for a date when I passed her to go to the bathroom, which I declined. The four guys were scattered around the store. Two of them were waiting in the aisle right outside the bathroom when I came in.”

She scrunched up her nose.

“Actually, now that you mention it, I did see that she had boobs,” she admitted. “But I didn’t want to assume.”

“And you didn’t see the doctor guy until I pointed him out, either,” I continued.

She sighed. “I’m not the most observant, I can admit.”

Which might very well get her killed.

“You need to be,” I said. “I talked to the special agent in charge of the serial killer case. I…”

My phone rang, and since it was Tobin, I answered it immediately, putting it on speaker because I wanted her to hear what Tobin had to say.

Tobin started talking before even waiting for me to finish saying hello.

“Talked to the profiler,” Tobin said without pleasantries. “I’m going to start out with everything, wait for me to finish before you ask your questions.”

I rolled my eyes at Tobin’s lack of bending.

He’d always done that—given orders and expected them to be obeyed.

At least, he was like that with everyone but his wife.

“Sure.” I grinned at the brow that Ellodie rose at Tobin’s words.

“Okay, diving in,” he said. “It’s a lot so bear with me.”

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