Page 29 of I Can't Even

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I’d just found the jack and the tire when he got out of his car and said, “Triple A is on their way.”

I would be done before they’d even dispatch the call.

Snatching up the tire iron and the jack, I went to work.

“You should lift it up a little more,” Darron suggested.

I glanced up at him for a heartbeat in time before shaking my head and saying, “You’ve never changed a tire before, have you?”

He made some noise in his throat before saying, “I live in Dallas and pay for Triple A for a reason.”

“Yeah,” I said. “But Triple A will be here in what? An hour at minimum?”

He grunted.

“To answer your suggestion about lifting the car up more, that’s not what you should do when you’re trying to take the lug nuts off. If you had it in the air more, all the tire would do is spin and I’d get no traction,” I explained patiently.

He shrugged, then went back to playing on his phone.

I was four lug nuts in when the police cruiser pulled up behind me.

And wouldn’t you know, none other than Hot Cop got out, a brilliant smile on his lips, aimed directly at me.

Never start an argument with a man who can kill you from a different zip code.

—Quaid to Quinn


The last thing I expected to see tonight was a gorgeous woman wearing a sequined blue dress on the side of the road changing a tire.

Nor did I expect to see a man who looked perfectly capable to me standing by, watching her do it.

Pulling up close behind the car where Ellodie was crouched down, dress snug against that supple ass, I got out and headed toward her.

I didn’t miss the way the cars had slowed down upon my arrival, either.


Why they needed flashing red and blue lights was beyond me. You could see there was an issue.

“Darlin’,” I said to her as I got close enough to be heard over the traffic. “Can I offer my assistance?”

She stood up, the dress that’d ridden up in her crouched position falling back down to rest just above her knees.

“Actually, yes.” She looked thankful. “I could’ve done it, but I would hate to get this dirty. I just bought it a year ago.”

I snorted out a laugh and dropped down to loosen the last of the lug nuts.

“I told her she should probably lift the car up more to get that unstuck,” the man suggested.

I looked up at him to see if he was kidding, but his Botoxed face wasn’t resembling the emotion I expected.

“Uh, no,” I said to him. “If you lift it off the ground, all it’ll do is spin, and you’ll never get the lug nuts loosened.”

He pursed his lips, and no lines whatsoever marred his face.

I got to work on the last lug nut, then jacked the car up to get the tire off.

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