Page 35 of Bear with Me
She grinned at him. “I figured that out pretty quickly. Honestly, I didn’t go looking for them. I was just…running.”
“No more running,” he said, dropping another kiss on her lips. “For either of us. You and me, Jemma. No matter what. We’re a team.”
“Are you still falling in love with me?” she asked softly as if she thought that could change because of a misunderstanding that was entirely his fault. It was a reminder of how young and innocent she still was. How could anyone lock her away? It hurt his heart.
He shook his head then held her tight when she tried to pull away. “I’m done falling. I’m already in love with you.” He reached down, slipping his hand under the hem of his shirt she wore, and cupped her ass. “Let’s go back to bed. I want to make love to my mate.”
“Yes,” she sighed as he scooped her up against his chest.
It was then he realized, though he’d do anything to keep her safe, he’d give everything to make her happy.
Chapter Fifteen
Jemma spent the next two days bouncing between spending time with her mate, helping Jensen, and hanging out with Helen and Muriel. The entire den had been on edge as they waited for judgment to be carried out on Lawrence Walker. She’d seen Brock with blood splattered on him more than once, so she knew they were still interrogating Walker. Hopefully, they were torturing him, even if it was only a small measure of the suffering he’d brought on those he’d betrayed. Either way, it would all come to an end soon. In a few hours, Malachai was set to arrive with Titus Walker and the rest of those coming from Washington to join the Holloway den. Ruby was beside herself with excitement. It appeared as if Em and Malachai’s sisters, Jaeda and Sidia, were, as well. Xandra had already seen her older brother but seemed happy he was joining them.
“It seems unreal that the hunters have scattered, that Walker is finally going to get served justice,” Helen murmured as she, Jemma and Muriel had lunch outside Jasper’s cabin. Helen said they weren’t mated, but Jemma doubted it would be much longer.
“For how long?” Muriel whispered, anger in her voice as she glanced at the cabin behind her. “How long until someone else rises to unite them and it all begins again?”
“Are you okay?” Jemma asked.
“How much do we have to lose before it’s enough? Is it ever enough? Too many of us have died, and for what? Fear? Hate? My family was killed in the attacks when they happened. My mother, father, and brother. Gone. Jemma, you lost your parents, too.”
Jemma nodded, then Muriel turned to Helen.
“Both your parents gone. What you and your sister endured.” Muriel shuddered. “What all those females survived and are healing from. What Jasper endured. How many are still out there who we don’t know about? Who are still surviving and probably hoping someone will find them when we don’t even know where else to look?”
“We can’t think like that,” Jemma warned. “We can only keep looking, keep trying.”
“I’ve never been a violent person, but if I could get my hands on one of the hunters who hurt Jasper, who killed my family, I’d shred them to the bone with my claws. I’d rip them apart with me teeth until blood coated my fur.”
Jemma and Helen stared at Muriel. Muriel had always been the quiet one, the soft spoken one. The person who encouraged with a smile or laugh, who always looked at the bright side.
“Muriel, what’s going on?” Jemma probed.
“I don’t think Jasper’s going to make it,” she admitted.
“What?” Jemma demanded. “I heard he helped during the attack the other day.”
“He has bouts of strength, but it costs him every time. While he was captured, they did something to his blood. They vivisected him. Multiple times. Fucked with his insides. He…” She paused, swallowing. “I don’t think he’ll be able to beat what they did to him.”
“Oh, God.” Jemma reached out and squeezed her friend’s hand. If Jasper were Muriel’s mate, it would kill her to lose him.
“Is he your mate?” Helen finally asked as if she’d picked up on Jemma’s thoughts.
Muriel shook her head. “No, but I wish he was. He’s kind and good and everything I would have wished for.”
“Muriel?” Jemma questioned, sensing there was something more her friend held back.
“My mate was killed. During the attack. He’d come to ask my parents’ permission for the mating. He died instead. I swore then I’d never mate. Swore I’d give my heart to no other. Then I met Jasper. Now, I…” She stopped again, shaking her head as a lone tear trickled from her eye.
Jemma shared a look with Helen, seeing the same concern for Muriel in her friend’s gaze. Whatever happened, they’d have to be there for Muriel. She seemed far too fragile right now, as if one more hit might be all it took to break her down. Jemma would fight tooth and nail not to let that happen.
“Jemma!” Jensen called as he walked from his office toward where they sat. “Laramie wants the family at the house. Malachai’s ten minutes out. Brock said he’ll meet you there. Walk with me?”
“Muriel?” Jemma asked as her friend stood and dusted off her pants.
“I’ll keep an eye on Jasper while you’re gone. He’s been running a fever again,” Muriel said.