Page 55 of Moose

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“You hurt my wife,” he growled.

“You can’t do this. Not here. You’ll never be able to explain to my people why I disappeared in your country.”

“You’re right. It would be difficult,” said the president. “Not impossible, mind you. But difficult. But it won’t be necessary. We’re going to put you on a plane, one of our very special planes, and send you back to North Korea. By the time you land, your country will have watched this interaction many times. They will hear from me that I do not wish war with them. Not now, not ever. I want a peaceful, diplomatic relationship with your country. But you are not the woman to give it to them.”

“So, my son will rule the people,” she sneered.

“No,” said U-Jin. He opened the door, allowing another man to enter. “This is Jae-Hua Yoon. He believed he was just another of grandfather’s bastard children. I’m sure grandfather thought so, too. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that he is a direct descendant of Suryong. The greatest leader in our history.”

“This cannot be true. It cannot be true!”

“Shocking,” said the man with a frown. “DNA evidence is compelling. I have every reason to never return to North Korea. And yet, I also have every reason to return. My wife and child are gone, but I know that a better North Korea awaits its people.”

As they lead Yu-Chuen out of the Oval Office, her hands bound, she passed her own guards, now also bound and in the custody of the military. They were all headed to North Korea with their new leader.

“Well done, Mr. President,” said Luke.

“I like to think my eighth-grade drama class paid off,” he smiled. “How do you think he’s going to do?”

“He watched Park for years but also watched Wi-Kym. He’s a smart man, humble, and willing to try. I think all of that plays well for him.”

“I’ll be here if he needs me,” said the president. “What about the two of you? You have rights as well.”

“We’re happy where we are, sir. Our half-uncle is older and has seen far more of the working government than either of us. He’ll need to build his cabinet, but he’ll be supported. This is his position to have. Not ours,” said Johnny. Moose gripped his wife’s hand, then slapped his brother-in-law on the back, causing him to grimace in pain.

“Let’s go home.”


Ece saw the number on her phone and cringed. She knew it was coming. She’d been expecting it, and she’d been expecting to be gone. Unfortunately, her flights had been delayed, and now she would be forced to fulfill this last obligation.


“I’m here for that dinner date, Ece. Let’s go.” His tone was demanding. Commanding. Deep and guttural.

“Fine, but I have a flight back to London in the morning. We’re not staying out late.”

“I’m in the lobby.”

She hung up, checking herself in the mirror. She wasn’t overly concerned with how she looked. After all, this wasn’t a date-date. It was a payment. Smoothing the black dress over her curves, she pushed the long tendrils from her face and grabbed her clutch.

As she made her way down to the lobby, she realized that she had no idea what Eddie looked like. He had a thick, velvety voice that rumbled her insides, forcing her loins to do backflips. With her luck, he’d be a bridge troll with a tiny dick.

When the doors to the elevator opened, she pushed forward, looking both ways. Standing in the lobby, she scanned the people, most of whom were couples. As she reached for her phone, she felt someone behind her.

“You look fucking delicious, and I’m going to enjoy every morsel, every nibble of you tonight,” said the familiar voice. She grinned, turning.

“Eddie, I…” Ece was stunned. Eddie didn’t just have a sexy voice. This man was sex on a stick. Sex on a chocolate stick. A big, long, delicious chocolate stick. His skin was the color of ebony, his eyes big with long, thick lashes. His hair was shaved close to his head, the glow of the evening lights shining on his skin.

“Something you want to say, beautiful?”

“You’re not what I expected,” she smiled.

“You’re exactly what I expected, but then again, I knew what you looked like.”


“You’re a writer, Ece. Your photo is in the papers almost every week. I knew what you looked like. I’d also seen you at some company functions.”

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