Page 54 of Moose

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“You had children, didn’t you?” She looked up at him, surprised that he knew that bit of information. “You seem shocked that I would know that. In fact, I know that you had twins. A boy and a girl. Where are they?”

“My children were also murdered,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry, did you say that your children were murdered as well as your husband and father? That is an infestation, Yu.” She ground her teeth together, and Luke couldn’t help but smirk at the president’s audacity. “Are you sure this wasn’t an inside situation? You know, maybe disgruntled family members or something? I mean, we all have those relatives that we’d like to get rid of.”

She thought of her response and stumbled. Stumbling was not something she normally did. Shaking her head, she straightened her back.

“As I said. My late husband was responsible for my father’s death. We are not sure who murdered him.”

“And your children? Your dear departed twins?”

“I’m not certain why this is relevant. I’m asking for your support, and you seem reluctant to give it. I don’t need it, Mr. President. I want it.”

“Oh, but you do need it. You seem to forget that I am currently the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.”

“That’s debatable,” she countered. The president chuckled, nodding his head.

“Maybe. But either way, if I’m not on your side, you lose. What happened to your children?”

“Between leaders?” she smiled.

“Of course,” he nodded again, crossing his legs casually.

“My daughter and son did not see eye to eye. She was the firstborn and wanted to become president. He wanted it for himself. I needed the way clear for me. My son did as I asked and murdered his sister, and then I killed him. The way is clear for me. This is how dynasties are made.”

“No regrets? No sorrow at having lost your children?”

“I never wanted children. They are a burden and interference in one’s life. They’re gone now, and I can be me. The true me.”

“Yes,” said the president, standing and walking around his desk. “You can be the true, murderous, treacherous bitch you were born to be. You can kill at will, hide out for years while the world believes you’re dead, planning, scheming, murdering. All to get your way.”

She stared in disbelief at the audacity of this man to question her and her motives. He didn’t understand the brilliance it took to do what she’d done.

“You don’t understand. You’re a man. You get whatever you want without question.” The president laughed, scoffing at her.

“You obviously don’t know a damn thing about American women. My wife lets me have what she believes is good for me, and I am happy every damn day that she does. You’ve confused control with power, lust with love, manipulation with leadership.”

“They are the same,” she snapped back. “I believe I’ve wasted my time. You cannot stop me. Too many people are now aware of my plans.”

“You’re right. Too many people are aware,” he said, pressing the button to the door of the anteroom. Moose, Ethan, Bodhi, Cade, and Frank stepped up behind Luke, glaring at the woman. She ran toward the door, only to discover it was locked. When it began to open, she hoped her own men would be there to save her.

They were not.

U-Jin and Hae-Won stared at their mother. The hatred was evident, the solidarity clearly written on their faces.

“No,” she whispered. “You should both be dead.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, Mother,” said U-Jin. “I find it interesting that you didn’t bother to tell me that my mark was my twin sister.”

“It didn’t matter! This was for us, my son. For us,” she said softly.

“Us? Is that why you sent the electronic signal to my head? Don’t worry, Mother. I’d already removed it, but I knew what your intention was.”

“Who are you people?”

“No one important,” said Luke. “Except for him. Him, you should know. He’s your son-in-law and father to your grandchildren.”

She stared at the big man, his beard making his expression more intense and fiercer than the others. The wide shoulders seemed to want to escape the fabric of his shirt.

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