Page 31 of Moose

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“I see you struggling with Moose and all his attention, his suffocating,” laughed Trevor. “That man loves you so much, honey. I can see it. We all can.”

“He’s right,” smiled Fitz. “He’s crazy about you.”

“I-I know,” she said, nodding. “I’m still feeling a bit scared, I guess.”

“It’s okay to feel scared but don’t let it overrule what you know to be true. That man loves you and Jennifer more than his own life. He will risk everything to save the two of you.” Erica stared at the three men, their serious expressions confirming what Trevor had said.

“I’ve never been able to fully trust anyone,” she said softly.

“We know, sweetie,” said Chris. “There are a lot of people here that had that same problem. There’s something about a Belle Fleur man. And believe me, there’s something amazing about a Belle Fleur woman.”

“I’m not a Belle Fleur woman,” she said, shaking her head.

“You damn sure are,” said Claudette, coming up behind her. “The moment you stepped onto this property, you became one of Mama and Pops’ children and a Belle Fleur girl. You’re ours, Erica. Ours and Moose’s.”

“I don’t think I knew how much I needed to hear that. I’m glad you found Ashley, Trevor. I’m happy for your family now.”

“Honey, you have no idea how happy I am every fucking day. I love that woman so much it pains me to leave her even for a day. Sometimes, I’ll just sit in the waiting room of the clinic so that I can be near her. I just need to catch a glimpse as she comes out to call back a patient. That’s all I need.”

“Are your stories similar?” she asked Chris and Fitz.

“Not exactly. I was a lot more reserved than Trev,” said Chris. “I came here for an event and met Elizabeth. Her parents were using her as a pawn in a money and property game. I decided the moment I held her in my arms on the dance floor that she was going to be my wife. I was a lot older than her, but I didn’t give a damn, and lucky for me, neither did she.”

“She’s lovely. I can’t wait until Jennifer can attend school and be in her class.”

“She’s a great teacher and an even better wife. She’s my whole fucking world,” he said, smiling at his wife across the room.

“And you?” she asked Fitz, smiling at him.

“Zoe is everything to me, Erica. We had a rough start, but it was because she was trying to do something good but with some very bad people. I chased her halfway around the world and brought her home, and home is where we’ve stayed.”

“You adopted Nigel and Spencer,” she grinned.

“They’re a pair. Can’t separate a pair,” he laughed. “We have a lot of love to give, and I’ve never seen a woman more naturally inclined to motherhood than Zoe.”

“You’re all so lucky to have this. To be in the midst of all of this love and admiration is truly remarkable. I’ve felt so alone for so long. Even when my mother was alive and with me. She always seemed so careful. Distant.”

“That’s understandable,” said Chris. “She was probably looking over her shoulder her entire life, waiting for your father to come for her. I’m curious, though. Why wouldn’t your grandfather have stepped in?”

“I don’t know,” said Erica. “I didn’t even know that he was my grandfather. Another mystery that I’ll probably never figure out.”

“Well, you won’t have to. You and Jennifer are going to have an amazing life here, with us and with Moose. Of course, when Bear comes along, it’s going to get crazy in your house.” She laughed, nodding at the men.

“Yes, I feel certain that this little boy is going to be a handful.” Trevor reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze.

“You have no idea how happy it makes all of us to hear you laugh. Keep doin’ it, honey. You’re due a lifetime of laughter.”


“What do you have?” asked Cam, staring at the rows of computer screens in the comms room. Pigsty was slouched low in his seat, something that seemed to happen when he was in the middle of trying to figure shit out. The more focused he became, the lower he slunk in the seat.

“This guy is a fucking ninja,” he groaned. “I’ve been reviewing the footage from the moment the guys got there and couldn’t find a damn thing. Until this.”

He stopped the screen, enlarging the view. On the back wheel well, they could see a hand reach around the tire and place the tracking device inside the metal.

“Are you fucking kidding me? That’s all we got?” asked Hex.

“That’s all, brother. He crawled through puddles, mud, rain, beneath cars to place that tracker and then crawled beneath them again. I panned out as far as their cameras allow, and I couldn’t find anything. I’m checking the cameras from across the street. I’ve got three bail bondsmen and a fast-food restaurant. They all have cameras.”

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