Page 30 of Moose

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Erica raced toward the cafeteria, holding Jennifer in one arm and the umbrella in the other. Despite wearing the right clothing and having the right protection, they were still getting soaked. The wind was blowing sideways at them, soaking their clothing to their bodies.

The little girl squealed with delight, laughing as she bounced along on her mother’s hip. Seeing her coming his way, Trevor ran into the rain and grabbed the little girl.

“Thank you,” said Erica, dripping on the mat inside the door. “But now you’re soaked.”

“It’s okay, honey. No matter how hard I try to convince my beautiful wife that I’m made of sugar, I’m not.” Erica laughed, watching as Jennifer squirmed from his arms and ran toward a new ‘uncle’ today. Keith.

“She’s learning sign language, thanks to him,” smiled Erica.

“We all learn it,” said Trevor. “It will serve her well later in life. How are you doing? Feeling okay?”

“I’m actually feeling great. I find that I need a nap in the afternoon, but other than that, it’s been wonderful. I love being able to play my music on the property and not having to leave Jennifer. My entire world has changed.”

“I can identify with that,” smiled Trevor.

“Right, you recently adopted one of the children.” He nodded, smiling at Marilisa.

“Yes, we did. But that’s not what I meant. Have a seat,” he said, pointing to the chair. “Are you hungry?”

“Famished,” she smiled. Trevor waved at Chris and Fitz, signing to get her a plate of food. They both nodded, filling a man-sized plate for Erica.

“Can I tell you my story?” he asked.

“I’d like that,” smiled Erica.

“I was a cocky, arrogant asshole, Erica.” She went wide-eyed, staring at the man who had been nothing but kind and gentlemanly toward her. “My parents dumped me on the doorstep of a fire station when I was a kid. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was because they didn’t have a choice. I bounced around the foster system and not the good kind. And believe me, I know there is a good foster system out there. We work hard to ensure it. I just wasn’t that lucky.”

“I’m sorry,” said Erica, gripping his hand. Chris and Fitz set the plates down then took their seats beside her.

“When I became a SEAL, I saw it as my license to fuck my way through the female population. Excuse my language, but it’s a wonder my dick didn’t fall off.”

“He speaks the truth,” said Chris, nodding at the woman. Erica just giggled, then sobered.

“A woman that I thought was just going to be a one-night stand for me turned out to be something else.”

“Ashley?” frowned Erica.

“Oh, hell no. I wouldn’t have been ready for her at that time. No, this woman was certifiably crazy. She had a sex change, became a powerful government figure, and exacted revenge on every man who ever slept with her. Including me.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Not as sorry as I am. She kidnapped Ani, and I couldn’t let her harm my teammate’s woman, my brother’s sister. So, I found where she was and traded myself for Ani. Then she started with her knife. She took one of my testicles.”

“God,” whispered Erica. Trevor shook his head.

“No. I deserved it. I deserved that and so much more. I regretted the way I’d treated every woman I’d ever used, slept with, left behind, and that’s what I was doing. Using them. Leaving them. My doctors realized that I was suffering from childhood trauma and forced me to see a child therapist at the hospital. I was sitting in the room with these beautiful, brave, amazing children who had been through ten times what I had. Then, my Ashley walked in the door.”

“She saved you,” smiled Erica.

“She did, but I had to save her as well. See, she’d gone through her own trauma from an ex. He mutilated her, Erica. Destroyed my girl’s spirit, and I wanted her to have it back. All those women I’d been with, beautiful, sexy women. And the one I wanted, I never thought I could have.”

“But you got her. You got the girl,” said Erica.

“I did. I got my girl. I saved her. I held her. I smothered her. I swore I would never be that man again. Ever.”

“Why did you tell me that?”

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