Page 23 of Moose

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“What was her occupation?” asked Ece.

“Nurse. Damn, we found a connection. I’m going to bet that she was a nurse for the presidential medical team. She knows what happened to the former president.”

“That’s why they ran to China,” said Ece. “They both know something that could have been damaging to Park. Hell, it still might be damaging to Park’s legacy. I need to find them, Eddie.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he said to the woman. “Ece? If I do this, you owe me dinner. A romantic dinner with the two of us.”

“Fine. Dinner. Just this one time,” she said, nodding.

She ended the call, tossing the phone aside. Setting up her laptop, she immediately sent an e-mail to Major, copying Cam, Luke, Hex, and Eric. She knew he’d send it to them anyway, and she didn’t want to be accused of going around them or attempting to hide anything.

She’d been disappointed when Major walked out on her in London, but it wasn’t surprising. It had been his cardinal rule. Don’t write about me, my teammates, or our organization. The story was too tempting, and her editor was demanding something great.

Sex with Major had been explosive. Ece liked it a little rough. Check that. She liked it a lot rough. Having been nearly raped in college, there was something about the violence that she needed, craved. She could never get Major to the point of gripping her throat or spanking her to the point of breaking the skin, but his cock was so big when she rode him she intentionally went all the way. Too far. It was always too far. She would be sore and bleed for days, but it reminded her that she was alive.

She was craving a bit of that pain now, needing a sexual release. Eddie had a thick, sexy voice, but she’d never met him in person. That actually worked for her. She could imagine him to look like anyone she wanted. Their relationship had been all business, and all that business had been conducted over the phone.

Pulling out one of her vibrators, she lay back on the bed, opening her legs wide. She turned the device on, sliding it between her thighs, then slamming it hard into her body.

“Harder, Eddie,” she whispered. “Harder.”

She could hear his husky, sexy voice, feel the slap of his hand on her flesh. In her mind, he would give her the release she wanted. But would he be willing to walk away when it was done?

Maybe one day they’d both find out.


Erica watched Moose set Jennifer on the floor, then clean up the mess she’d made during lunch. He grabbed a basket of laundry, put it away, then came back out and put the dishes away.

“Moose, please sit down,” she begged.

“Honey, I’m trying to get everything done so that you don’t have to do anything,” he said, smiling at her.

“Moose, I’m capable of doing things. I need you to stop treating me like I’m incapable, like I’m an invalid. I’m just fine doing everything I was doing before.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “You can’t keep carrying your cello.”

“Fine. I’ll have someone help me carry the cello when I take it to the studio, but everything else I can do myself. You won’t even let me carry my own daughter, Moose. Please. I’m begging you, please stop.”

Moose stared at her, his heart cracking in two. He wanted nothing more than to ensure her safety and comfort and the safety of Jennifer. He’d placed this baby inside of her. His son. Their son. But he would be big, and Erica was tiny.

“I can’t risk losing you,” he said, shaking his head.

“You’re not going to lose me,” she smiled. “You’re stuck with me now. We’re married, we’re a family, and our family is going to continue to grow.” Moose kneeled in front of her as she leaned forward, her hands framing his face.

“I love you, Moose. I love you more than just about anything in this world. Jennifer, you, and my cello,” she smiled.

“I can live with that order,” grinned Moose. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to drive you crazy. This is my issue. I’ve always worried about a woman having a child by me. A big child. Hell, I always worried about women having sex with me. I just don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Moose, you were a SEAL. I feel certain that there have been moments when you had to hurt someone in your career and just by the sheer fact that you’re still walking around free, I also have to assume that you never took it too far.”

Moose held his tongue, remembering a time or two when he probably went too far. Hell, he’d gone a bit too far when killing the man responsible for brutalizing his ex-wife. And he didn’t even love her any longer. He wondered how far he would go if someone touched Erica or Jennifer.

“I promise I’ll try to do better,” he said, kissing her sweetly. Erica smiled at him, nodding toward Jennifer, who’d fallen asleep on the floor of the living room. Reaching between them, she rubbed his bulging cock, licking her lips.

“I need you, Moose,” she moaned.

“What? No, you can’t need me,” he said in a panicked voice. “I’ll hurt the baby.”

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