Page 22 of Moose

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“No. I knew when Nine left that I would as well. We’d been on the same team since coming out of BUDs. He was there when my fiancé drowned. He was there with Sara. He was there at the birth of both of my daughters.

“In theory, I went from one team to another and never looked back. It was the best decision of my life. I made new teammates, great teammates. My daughters married two fine, strong, good men. I have three amazing grandsons who hopefully will be delivering great-grandchildren to me in the next few years. My life is perfect, Moose. And so is yours.”

“When Brandi made me leave the teams, giving me the ultimatum, there was this voice inside me saying, don’t do it. Don’t leave. I thought I was doing what was right for my marriage. I guess I should have looked into whether or not my marriage was worth sacrificing a career.

“I didn’t think I’d get another chance at a career, let alone love. When I found out what Ece had done, brother, I wanted nothing to do with women. Then I walk back into my cottage and find Jennifer in that baby bed and Erica in my bed,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Brother, that was a wake-up call.”

“If you want to know my opinion, Moose, we’re all exactly where we’re supposed to be. Don’t question it. Don’t try to figure it out. I didn’t used to believe in higher powers or divine intervention, but lately, things have made me change my mind. We’re where we were meant to be.”

“You know what? I couldn’t agree more,” he grinned, seeing his wife walking toward him. He grabbed the stack of materials, giving Wilson a brotherly hug. As the big nurse watched them leave, Gray smiled at him.

“Did you give him the ‘dad’ talk?” she grinned.

“It’s not the ‘dad’ talk,” frowned Wilson. “It’s the ‘be grateful and stop worrying’ talk.” Gray laughed, kissing the big man’s cheek.

“Same thing.”


“Eddie? Did you get me that information about North Korea?” asked Ece.

She walked around the hotel room, tossing her bags on the floor as she did. She hadn’t bothered to let Moose know that she was coming, but then again, they most likely knew she was there. They seemed to know everything.

“I’m trying, Ece,” said the sexy voice of her researcher. “Shit is crazy there right now, and no one wants to talk to the West.”

“I get it, but my sources here are telling me that there are two assassins searching for Park’s daughter. They don’t think she’s dead,” said Ece carefully.

“I know, I know, I heard you the first time. The only thing I’m getting is that someone believes Wi-Kym Chuen has a living grandchild who could step into the role of president. His only known grandson was killed in the rebellion a few years back, but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t more out there.”

Ece held her tongue, waiting for the informant to give her more information.

“Look, Ece, I’m trying here. Chuen’s daughter was married to Park. We know that. If Park’s daughter is still alive, then she’s the next logical choice for the presidency. If she refuses, then she can appoint someone in her place or turn it over to the government council, or hell, even her husband if she’s married. But she has to be found and has to step forward.”

Ece stiffened, thinking about Moose potentially as the president of North Korea. It would never happen. The country wouldn’t allow an American, especially an American Navy SEAL, to become their leader.

“If she’s found, someone might want her dead. She’d be a fool to step forward, and so would any man with her.”

“What about a video with instructions?” asked Eddie. “I mean, it’s not in person, but it would be proof that she’s alive, and she could assign someone from a distance, and maybe the assassins would leave her alone.”

“Eddie, it’s a good idea, but you and I both know they would never accept it. They’ll demand that she appear before them.”

“Then I’m not sure what to tell you. I’ll keep trying to find out about these assassins, but word is they’re not giving up.”

“Why? I mean, Park is dead, so if he paid them, they’re home free. If he didn’t pay them, there’s no one for them to collect their payment from.”

“I don’t know. Maybe Park only paid part of it, and there’s another payment headed toward them when the job is done. Maybe an electronic payment of some sort or someone willing to send the money when it’s done.”

“An accomplice?” she whispered. “I can’t think of anyone who would have wanted to help Park. No one liked him. He had no women on the side, at least none that anyone knew of. He’d already killed his wife years before. None of his potential cabinet is still living to talk.”

“What about his aide?” asked Eddie.

“His aide?” repeated Ece. “Yeah. He had two or three of them. One was killed in the initial riots. I met one of his aides years ago. He was a really nice guy. Damn, what was his name? Joe, Jang, no. Jae-Hua. That’s it. Jae-Hua Yoon. See what you can find out about him.”

“Well, I’ve found something already. But it happened in China.”

“What did you find?”

“A wedding between Jae-Hua Yoon and Sun-Jeo. Both Korean names, and she’s expecting a baby. It was noted on their marriage certificate.”

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