Page 20 of Moose

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“Of course you do. He was a soldier. He’s big, strong, handsome, young. He has everything in common with every man on this property. I like Charity for him, though. They seem a good match, and she adores him.”

“I’ve heard the same for Eagle Feather and Genevieve,” he nodded. “I guess this is a strange place, but it’s home. Our home.”

“Our home,” she whispered. “My mother and I lived in an apartment in Chinatown. There’s a huge population of Koreans in Oakland, but she always said that would be too easy for father to find us. I guess in the end, it didn’t matter.”

“I guess not, baby. But she was trying to protect you.”

“I know. I mean, I know that now. But why wouldn’t she tell me that she was the former president’s daughter? We left while he was still in office. Surely she could have spoken to him about what my father was doing. Did she have money? Was she in contact with him?”

“All good questions, and I’m afraid we’ll have to leave that to Ece to find out. I don’t care for her job or her tactics in getting it done. But she’s capable and can find answers to just about anything."

"Do you think she’ll keep her word and not tell anyone where I am?” asked Erica.

“I think she knows that she has no choice. If she utters one wrong word, we’ll destroy her and her reputation. She’d never work again.”

“I want to trust her, but I’m worried. Not for me, but for all of you and for Jennifer.”

“And that’s why you’re beautiful. You’re worried about everyone except yourself,” he said, kissing her. He placed his wide hand across her flat belly, the width covering from pelvic bone to pelvic bone.

“Don’t worry,” she smiled. “They said I’d be just fine, and if the baby got too big, they’d put me on bed rest and maybe take it early.” Moose only frowned, not liking the sound of that at all.

“I was a big baby. Really big,” he said.

“I sort of assumed that. It’s like you said, Moose. Women’s bodies are miraculous things. We can accommodate men and babies of all sizes. I’ll be just fine. I mean, look at Lena. She had Eric without a problem. In fact, most of the women had enormous babies without a problem.” Moose chuckled.

“We do seem to grow them big here, don’t we?” Erica laughed, nodding at her soon-to-be husband.

“We’ll be just fine,” she said, hugging his waist. “I know that you won’t leave me alone.”

“Not for one damn minute,” said Moose. “Not one minute.”

When they found Sage with velvet trays of custom rings, they were completely overwhelmed. Moose’s hands were so large something would have to be custom-made for him. Erica’s hands were so small everything would need to be sized down for her.

“I like the blue topaz with diamonds,” she smiled. “It reminds me of your eyes.” Moose kissed her, placing the ring on her finger. It fell off, and they both laughed.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have it sized perfectly for her. How about a traditional band for you, Moose? We can do a platinum, titanium, or gold band.”

“I think black titanium for me,” he said. “I want it to last forever.” Sage smiled at the couple, nodding.

“I don’t think either of you have a thing to worry about.”


Three days after their wedding, Erica was lying on her back, her feet in stirrups, as Gray examined her and did the ultrasound. It would normally be far too early for an ultrasound, but with the advancements of the technologies provided by G.R.I.P., they could now do one as early as four weeks. Patting her knees, she pushed her back on the table.

“You can sit up, honey,” she smiled.

“Is she okay? Is the baby okay? Is it too big because of me? Should she be playing her cello? Should she be walking?” Gray held up her hands, Wilson staring at him as if he’d lost his mind.

“How about you take a breath, big boy,” said Wilson. “Women have been having babies since the dawn of time. Erica won’t be any different. It’s incredibly early to see anything right now other than a fetus.”

“Well,” said Gray, smirking at Wilson, “she’ll be a bit different. That’s a big baby. A big boy baby.”

“A boy,” whispered Moose, swallowing. Erica smiled at him, nodding.

“Told you.”

“Uh huh,” he nodded again. “A boy.”

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