Page 19 of Moose

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“You’d be welcome for this,” said Moose.

“No,” she laughed. “I don’t think so. You’ve got a good thing there. I can see it. I won’t interfere in that. My ego and, I suppose, feelings were hurt initially. But it’s clear that you and I weren’t meant to be together. You two, however, have an ethereal glow about you. It’s kind of disgusting.” She grinned at them, and they both smiled.

“Thank you, Ece,” said Erica. The others had told her not to mention her new name.

“You’re welcome, Hae-Won. I’ll call again in a few days.”


“She was lovely,” said Erica, walking slowly back toward the cafeteria. “I mean, she’s very pretty.”

“She is pretty, but she’s not beautiful. Not like you. You’re beautiful all the way through, Erica, and that means more to me than anything else. You’re a good woman, kind, sweet, loving, and…”

“And pregnant,” she blurted out.

“Wh-what?” he asked, blinking.

“I’m pregnant. I wanted to tell you. I was talking to Amanda and Mia about how to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how you would react. I mean…”

Moose lifted her in his arms, slamming his mouth to hers, silencing her. Spinning her around, she tapped his shoulder, and he pulled back, smiling at her.

“Not too fast, or you’ll end up with dinner on your shoulder,” she smirked.

“Oh, shit,” he said, setting her on her feet once again. “It must be early. I mean, we only made love for the first time seventeen days ago.” Erica laughed, shaking her head.

“You counted the days?”

“Baby, I’ve counted the hours since the first time. I will remember it forever. I’ve put a calendar reminder in my phone so that on that date every year I can do something amazing for you.”

“Do something amazing now,” she said softly. He cocked his head, staring at her. “You once said that you admired Jennifer for her yelling, making her voice heard. I hope you’ll do the same for me. Marry me. Make me Mrs. Major Sculler.”

Moose stared down at the tiny woman. He was terrified that a baby the size of him would be growing in her belly, and she wouldn’t be able to push it out. He knew that they had the best medical team in the world, and if anyone could make sure she was safe, it was them.

“I’ll marry you. Today, tomorrow, any time you want, but I want to adopt Jennifer as well. She’s my daughter from this moment forward.”

“I think, in some weird way, she was always supposed to be your daughter,” smiled Erica. “She’s laughed more since you’ve been around than the entire first year of her life. That tells me what kind of father you’ll be to her.”

“We need to pick out rings,” he said, gripping her tiny hand as they headed toward the food once again.

“Did I hear there’s to be a wedding?” smiled Claudette, Jake at her side.

“How? Never mind,” smiled Moose. “Yes, ma’am. Erica and I will be getting married, and Jennifer is going to be adopted by me.”

“I’ll get things started,” smiled Claudette. “Jake already asked Sage to put together a few options of rings for you. She’s in the cafeteria waiting. Gwen will be bringing some dresses by your cottage, and the rest of us will take care of your flowers and other things. Is there anything special you want in your wedding? Something traditional to your heritage?”

“Confetti,” smiled Erica. “Just sprinkle confetti on us at our wedding.”

“Done,” nodded Claudette. “Go pick your rings. I’ll let Mama know. This’ll perk her right up.”

“Is she not well?” asked Erica.

“Oh, no. No, she’s fine. Just a bit tired after the ghost explosion,” smirked Claudette. “Let’s go. Get a move on. There’s a weddin’ to plan.” As she and Jake continued down the path, Moose looked at Erica, chuckling.

“She sounded just like her mama. I mean, just like her.”

“This is the strangest place I’ve ever been in my entire life,” said Erica. “In fact, it might be the strangest place I’ve ever read about. Have you met the new ghosts?”

“I did. I like Archie,” he smirked.

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