Page 4 of Illicit Obsession

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Summoning up all my willpower, I shoved my rage deep in my chest. I’d have the opportunity to take it out on the man who truly deserved my retribution: George Crawford. Soon, I’d have him strung up and bleeding in Duarte’s basement. He would be the one struggling and screaming.

The thought only somewhat soothed me, but it helped me control the worst of my anger.

“Her arms,” I growled at the doctor, demanding that he check the marks for deeper injury.

“She’ll probably bruise, but nothing is broken,” the man replied smoothly. “Now, I need to get a look at your head.”

My phone rang. Duarte.

I waved the man off and answered the call. My host wouldn’t like it if I ignored him, and I needed an update on the situation with our enemies, the threat to Evelyn.

“You risked an assault on my home,” he drawled without greeting me. “Los Zetas could’ve pursued you.”

“No one followed me,” I replied as coolly as I could manage. I would’ve returned to Duarte’s fortress even if I had been tailed, but he didn’t need to know that.

A beat of tense silence.

“We’re friends, Massimo. Of course, I will offer my protection while you’re in my territory.”

“Thank you,” I replied, some of the tension easing from my jaw.

“We will delay our trip,” he informed me. “I need to ensure this situation is handled at home before we go out of the country. We’ll leave tomorrow. I assume you still want to come to Colombia with me to meet Adrián?”

“Yes,” I confirmed. I still had a job to do, to secure the alliance with Duarte and Adrián Rodríguez. “I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“Adrián will be pleased to meet you too,” Duarte said, no pleasure evident in his cold voice. “I’m sure our business arrangement will be profitable for all of us.”

I heard the unspoken discontent in his genial words: he expected to get even richer off our deal, and failure would have serious consequences for my friends and me. Crawford’s continued survival put Duarte’s business at risk, just as it put Evelyn at risk. He was a dead man walking.

“It will be.” It was a guarantee. “I always keep my promises, Stefano.”

“Yes, I remember,” he confirmed. It wasn’t the first time I’d told him that. “I’ll see you tonight. We’ll have dinner and discuss our next moves.”

He ended the call without waiting for me to accept the invitation, so I allowed the doctor to check my head. Evelyn’s eyes were tight with worry as he prodded at my wound, and the sight of her tender concern soothed any pain I might’ve felt.

She was safe with me, but the beast in me wouldn’t be totally placated until I’d inspected every inch of her body. As soon as the doctor left, I would strip off her clothes and check her over myself.

Chapter 2


“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Massimo rumbled as soon as we were alone again. His face was no longer bloody; the doctor had seen to his wound. He’d promised me that it wasn’t a serious injury, and it’d looked worse than it truly was.

Looking at my dark protector now, the only sign of the pain he’d suffered was a small cut on his brow that disappeared into his glossy black curls. He didn’t appear to be hurting, but his jaw ticked with residual anger when his silvery gaze raked over the red marks on my upper arms.

He scooped me up and cradled me against his chest, carrying me toward the ensuite.

Even as the comforting scent of leather and amber enfolded me, I protested, “I can walk, Massimo.”

“I need to feel you,” he countered calmly, his muscles flexing around me to draw me closer. He inhaled deeply, as though he was breathing me in too.

I rested my head on his shoulder, seeking solace in him. No one would touch me as long I as I was safe in Massimo’s arms.

George hadn’t kept me safe. He was the reason I’d been assaulted. The man I’d thought I would marry hadn’t cared if I lived or died.

We’re friends of your fiancé. He asked us to get you back for him. He didn’t say in what condition.

I shuddered and shoved the awful memory of my assailant’s words away. George had betrayed me, and I had to accept that fact without wallowing in despair. Massimo’s strength and calming scent grounded me in the present, preventing me from spiraling into grief.

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