Page 111 of Suddenly You

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Damn, all that dust.

“It’s fine, it is dusty in here,” Caleb says with a laugh as he nuzzles further into Whit. “But if you wanna cry, you can. I do it all the time.”

I just gape at them, unsure if this is why they brought me out here? To cry? To get in touch with my feelings? I don’t fucking know. I thought they were going to haze me or something, make me prove my worth.

“Is that why I’m here?” I ask, my voice cracking as I speak. How fucking embarrassing, first crying and now my prepubescent voice makes an appearance.

“Nah, we wanted to grill you and scare you a little, but seems like you’re more sensitive than we thought,” Caleb says.

I glance at Sem, who is watching me intently. “Yeah, seems so.”

I fold my arms across my chest and shift in my seat. “I’m not that sensitive.”

“It’s fine if you are,” Sem says.

I let that sit with me for a bit. It seems everything I’ve been going through since marrying Coop is fine. There’s nothing wrong with me after all.

“So, how is marriage? Sem told us you woke up covered in splooge and were married to a dude,” Caleb says, and I burst out a laugh.

“Yeah. I don’t remember anything from that night.”

“And now you’re loving it?” Whit asks.

“Well, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” That’s a lie. It’s wonderful being married to him. I’m so fucking happy. So goddamn content.

“Would you do it again, if you could?” Caleb asks.

“Um, yeah. I think I would. I know I was a homophobic jerk in the past. But Coop has shown me things…I never knew I wanted or needed.”

Sem grumbles under his breath. “Well, your nose looks fine, glad I don’t have to smash it all over again.”

“Thanks,” I say and then rub at it. “Took a while to heal. But I’d rather you break my nose again than lose my brothers. I lost Magnus for years, almost lost Max…I’d take a broken body over that.”

Sem huffs his approval as I swipe at my watering eyes. Damn leaky things. I need to go to an ophthalmologist and get them checked.

“So, while we’re all glad you’re not a dickface anymore, tell us, how’s the sex? Have you had sex yet? Wait, you did, but you just can’t remember,” Caleb blurts with a loud laugh, and Whit just shuts his eyes with a sigh.

“Yeah, how is it?” Sem asks.

Everyone just stares at me, and I feel like I’m giving a public service announcement. Fuck, since when is this their business?

“It’s…it’s none of your business.”

“Okay, fair, but like, do you have any questions?” Caleb asks and then leans away from Whit. “I had a great teacher, but it is very different than what you’re used to.”

I eye him and nod. “Yeah. It is.”

“We can answer any questions you have,” Caleb says, and Sem nods.

“I guess that would be the nice thing to do.”

Whit meets my gaze and purses his lips. “But you don’t need to, if you don’t want to. Sem and Caleb can be…overbearing.”

“Babe!” Caleb says with a pouty huff. “I am not overbearing.”

“I am,” Sem says. “And I’m proud of it.”

Silence permeates the air around us, and I close my eyes. “Okay, well, we haven’t had sex like that. Yet.”

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