Page 107 of Suddenly You

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No way is that going to happen. Not when things have just started progressing between us. I deserve better karma than that. I am basically a saint.

After a while, the GPS leads us down a dirt road, and I stare at the emptiness around us.

“They really do live in the middle of nowhere.”

“Yeah, although, I did look this town up and there is a Walmart out here. Two actually.”

“Oh, well that’s high society for sure.”

Matthew grins at me and then looks back at the road. The bags of things are bouncing around in the back, all the seats down to accommodate all the stuff we brought.

“It is. I think you’ll fit right in, dollar-store boy,” Matthew says with a laugh, and I poke at him.

“I am the dollar-store boy. I’m obsessed with that place. I intend on going to one while I’m out here too.”

“You won’t,” Matthew says with a light chuckle. “I refuse to take you.”

I huff and puff and then grin at my husband.


God, he’s so hot. Like the hottest. I reach over and touch his neck, watching as he arches into it. Love that he’s so greedy to be touched.

“Fine, then you’ll have to preoccupy me with other things. Like your mouth and maybe your dick. I can cope with that.”

“Deal. I’ll see what I can do.”

A one-story house makes an appearance in the distance, and Matthew comes to a stop before it.

“Is this it?” I ask, looking around. “This is…quaint.”

Matthew bobs his head. “Not everyone can afford to live on the beach, Cooper.”

I groan. “Oh, please don’t call me that. I don’t want to see Sem and Magnus with a boner.”

Matthew snorts and then steps out of the car, not a boner in sight. Well, must be nice for him. I follow him out, making sure to hide my hard cock under my flowy shirt. Thank fuck for fashion, I think as I link my hand with his and walk toward the house, but before we can even approach, Sem steps out onto the porch, his hair pulled back in a bun, his shirt off, showing off his very impressive muscles. His worn jeans hug his thighs, and I can’t help but let my appreciative gaze rake over him just once before I turn it back to Matthew.

“Got a good look?” he whispers, and I grin at him. “You have a little drool on your lips.”

“Oh, shut up, you insecure man. He’s got nothing on you,” I tell him, and Matthew rolls his eyes.

He doesn’t need to worry. Matthew is delicious. No one else compares, especially this barbarian who is shoving some Crocs and a ratty t-shirt on and making his way toward us.

“Where’s the shit?” he asks gruffly, and Matthew hands him the keys.

“Right. Well, Maggie’s inside with the kids and Emery and August.”

I have no idea who they are, but I can’t wait to find out. Anyone who is friends with Sem and Magnus have to be wild.

“You can go in,” Sem begins but then stops and says, “Actually Matt, you can come with me. Need your help.”

Matthew startles slightly and I cock my head, unsure of what Sem’s game plan is, but he just leads him over to the trunk of the car and loads him up with bags. Innocent enough, I think as I make my way inside. The squeals of children echo off the walls, and I wince slightly at the sound of it. I’m definitely not used to this.

My gaze takes in the neat space before me as I walk, the light wood floors and white walls. Hand-drawn pictures are taped up on every available space, and I know that this is a place where Sem and Magnus’s kids are loved. It seems like they’re the center of their world.

I turn the corner into the living space and see Magnus, sipping on what appears to be iced tea, next to a very handsome man with dirty-blond hair and green eyes. He’s wearing a polo shirt and light colored jeans. Right before him, on the floor with the kids, is a lean tattooed man with a smile on his face. His hair is in disarray and his shirt is hanging off one shoulder. Seems it got stretched out, probably from playing with these wild kids who are climbing all over him like he’s a jungle gym.

“Oh, hello, Cooper. Right on time,” Magnus says, waving me over toward the couches. “Come sit with us. This is August. And the guy on the floor is Emery.”

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