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Chapter 26 - Yazmine

“You’re gonna regret doing this!” I call after the dragons as they make to fly off the mountain.

The ghoulish, brown dragon, who was actually the blonde from the group of bullies, snaps her dragon head in my direction. She blows out a breath of fire and cackles as she sinks back to her feet. She shifts back to human form and snarls at me.

“I don’t regret a thing, human slut!” she spits venomously, lips peeled back from her teeth. “We don’t need your filthy kind on our island.”

“Your lady dragon is a human,” I remind her. “You will never get away with this.”

“Watch me,” she challenges. “The only reason the first human slut is safe is because she’s immortal now. You, on the other hand?” She turns around and flicks her hair over her shoulder. “You’ll rot here on this mountain, living out the rest of your meaningless life dying. Good luck,” she chuckles as she wiggles her fingers in the air before shifting and joining her minions on the edge of the cliff.

This is pure bad luck.

As they lift off into the air, I rush forward as fast as my feet can carry me. Running all the way to the edge of the mountain, halting when I’m faced with the emptiness ahead of me. Stones crumble off the edge, falling down into the dark recesses of the valley.

I snap my head from left to right, then spin on my heels to check behind me. There’s nothing but fern trees and unkempt bushes all around an empty cave on one side of the mountain.

Hanging my head, I begin trudging toward the cave. The dragon shifter is right—I’ll rot here on this mountain and succumb to starvation. Instinctively, I place a hand on my belly and worry about the little life growing inside me.

It’s not like we’ll be missed, I think as I enter the cave and turn to stare forlornly at the space where Aurora Island should be. From out here, it’s invisible, shielded by the protective dome that creates invisibility.

To keep it out of sight and hidden from the human world. I slide down to my knees, the sob lodged in my throat spilling out. The pain and dread I feel in my chest is overwhelming, forcing me to hug my shoulders as I weep uncontrollably.

At least Aragon will be glad that I’m gone. He doesn’t know about the pregnancy, and now he won’t have to put up with me.

That only serves to drive in the pain, the hurt. Knowing he didn’t want me—only the child he’ll never meet.


When I hear screeching in the distance, I sniffle my tears and wipe my eyes frantically. I’m not sure how much time has passed, only that it feels like a lifetime ago since the dragons captured me and exiled me to this mountain.

Suspecting the dragons might have come back to taunt me, or to finish the job, I crawl into the darkest space in the cave to hide myself.

Outside, the thunderous roars rip through the skies, the screeching intensifying and becoming alarming. Something doesn’t feel right—if the dragons were coming back to the mountain, they would have been here by now.

Curiosity leads me to my feet, cautiously stepping to the edge of the cave and peering up at the skies. The brilliant light of the moon shines on the scene unfolding before my eyes, the group flapping and flailing around as one dragon gives chase.

The chaser is none other than Aragon, who breathes out fire and roars angrily. He flaps his wings, sending him over the group of tinier dragons until he’s in line with the moon. He turns around, the rubbery ruby scales illuminated by the light flooding around him like an aura. When he opens his dragon muzzle and shoots hot flames of fire onto those below him, the orange hue of the fire outshines the moon. Almost as if the moon itself sighs from her mesmerization.

I share her sentiments, enchanted by his gracefulness for a split second before reality sets in. One of the dragon bullies gets hit by his ferocious breath, tumbling down through the shield and becoming invisible.

Aragon doesn’t stop there. He hovers above the rest, threatening them with growls and puffs of menacing fire.

They eventually retreat, gliding back down toward the island. Aragon waits for them to disappear before turning his head to the mountain where I’m being kept on.

When his slitted golden eyes meet mine from the distance, I’m spurred into a race toward the edge of the mountain. I forget how upset I was, how torn and heartbroken I’d been from his words. The heavenly depths of his eyes as he soars forward is all I can focus on, relief washing over me and propelling me forward.

I race toward the mountain's edge, this time leaping ahead with faith pushing me forward. Aragon nimbly catches me in his arms and pulls me close to the armored chest of his dragon.

When he whimpers lightly and nuzzles his face against my cheek, all I know is that this feels right. I’m exactly where I belong, in the arms of the dragon shifter as he carries me back to the island. I close my eyes and relish in the comfort his arms provide, opening them only when he lands on the balcony and opens his arms.

He’s gentle this time as he helps me onto the floor of the balcony, hovering his face so close that it prompts me to reach out and stroke his cheek. I reach up on my tiptoes and press a kiss above his flat nose, staring into his reptilian eyes to whisper, “Thank you for finding me.”

Aragon nods his head with compassion flashing in his eyes before turning and preparing to fly off.

He’s preparing to take care of those who wronged me. This time, his wrath directed in the right place.

Chapter 27 - Aragon

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