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Felix is right. As much as I hate to admit it. In fact, it pains me just to have the thought running through my mind. He’s gone and done it again—change a deep-rooted belief with a few simple words.

Those few words are what prompted me to head inside. Expecting to find her curled shape underneath the comforter, I’m surprised when I find the bed empty.

My heart skips a beat when fear rears its ugly head. What if my previous suspicions had been right? What if she ran away?


A wave of relief washes over me when I hear her voice behind me. Snapping in that direction, I’m left stunned when the brightest shade of green meets my eyes and penetrates my soul.

“Yazmine…” I breathe, hypnotized by her eyes that seem to draw me into a trance. It’s only when she clears her throat that I snap out of the daze and peel my eyes from the intensity of her stare.

Only to discover that she’s wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her, the long tresses of dark hair dripping droplets of fresh shower water.

That’s when I’m reminded about my little sinful escapade in the shower the other day…

Chapter 20 - Yazmine

As soon as I meet his eyes, I gasp. Instinctively, my fingers tighten their grip on the edge of the towel, clutching it closer to my chest.

My heart races so speedily, threatening to beat right out of my ribcage. My breath hitches in my throat, rendering me incapable of breathing right now.

I hate that he has this effect on me. It doesn’t help that I just walked out of the shower and haven’t dressed. The intensity of his stare as he ogles my soul disarms me and sends arousal stirring in my core.

If I’m not careful, I’ll need to take another shower. So I clear my throat, regaining my breathing and inadvertently drawing Aragon’s attention to the fact that I only have a towel wrapped around me.

His gaze is heated, darkening as he drags his eyes down my body. I notice the way his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat when he gulps, and the way he curls his fists at his sides as if restraining himself from coming forward.

It doesn’t help that I suddenly become aware of how the prominent veins in his arms pulse with blood flow. I can only imagine that other places are filling up with blood, and it takes every ounce of self-control not to drop my eyes to the apex of his thighs.

If there’s one thing I’m not doing, it’s giving in to the dragon shifter. Not again, that’s for sure. The first time, he surprisingly took the bait—my bait. This time, I won’t dangle any bait on the end of this line.

In fact, I’ve decided to cut the line completely and not think about it at all.

“What do you want?” I grate indifferently as I turn and calmly stroll toward the wardrobe. Internally, my heart is screaming from the awareness of his eyes boring into my back. But I choose to display calmness and indifference as I open the wardrobe doors.

He doesn’t need to know how much he affects me. He doesn’t deserve that much.

“I’m here to thank you…” he begins, sending a frisson of awareness coursing down my spine when I realize he’s right behind me.

I’d been so focused on remaining calm, that I hadn’t heard his footsteps as he followed me. Now, I have to try even harder to appear calm when my heart is racing at the speed of light deep down.

I take a deep breath, but it’s to my detriment when my lungs are filled with the heady scent of sandalwood. The cologne he wears that sticks to his pores—I know because I could almost taste it on his skin the last time we—

Never mind.

“Excuse me,” I say flatly when I pull out a pair of pajamas and abruptly turn around. But Aragon remains where he’s standing, blocking my path.

“Did you hear what I said?” he asks.

I mentally compose myself before lifting my eyes to his. He’s frowning down at me, the amber glow of his eyes once again knocking the wind out of me.

He’s so close, that I can almost taste his breath in the air as it mingles with mine. I try stifling my need to gulp, but it only serves to strangle my throat and send me into a fit of coughing and spluttering.

“Are you alright, Yazmine?!” he asks worriedly, grabbing my arm to steady me when I keel over to clear my throat.

Glaring at him through my bout of coughing, I snatch my arm back and push past him.

What the hell was that? I think to myself when I gulp down huge sips of the water I retrieved from the nightstand. As soon as I’ve calmed down and regained a normal breathing pattern, I’m sent into another tizz.

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