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“What could be so hard?” I scoff. “After all, she's just a human. She's weak. She wouldn't dare to stand up against a dragon.”

Chapter 8 - Yazmine

Sobbing into my hands uncontrollably, I catch a whiff of bacon that prompts me to lift my head. It's almost like I've manifested a form of comfort through the flood of tears and the pleas to God.

Frowning, I sniff back on my tears and swipe the back of my hand across my nose. I scan the room, finally finding the source of the aroma of bacon from where it lays on the floor. Plated along with a stack of scrambled eggs and a fork poked into the eggs like a sword.

My eyes flit to the door, half-expecting it to open up. But it doesn't, which means it's safe enough for me to retrieve the plate of food.

Without a sense of time in this shielded, locked room, I can only decipher that it's morning from the breakfast on the floor. Courtesy of whoever took kindly enough to me to bring me a meal, I'm too starved to question their motives.

If he thinks I'll be his mate in exchange for breakfast, he has another thing coming! I think with a scornful scoff despite reaching for the plate and heading back to the bed. Crossing my legs, my shoulders drop as I stare at the plate. I feel helpless. But I'm not foolish enough to starve myself.

If I have any hope of escaping, I need my strength. So I dig into breakfast, my mouthfuls getting bigger with each bite.

It's only because the heavenly richness of crisp bacon brings about memories of my childhood. Sundays spent at home with my parents always called for bacon and eggs with toast before the accident. When things were simpler, I relished the small things in life.

A shudder passes through me as I pick up the last piece of bacon. Savoring it slowly, the memories I'd been hanging onto for years seem redundant now. Having followed in the footsteps of my parents, I've now been snatched from the life I once knew.

All because a grouchy dragon shifter has kidnapped me. I chuckle as I chew on the last bite of bacon, thinking how ridiculous this is. I wish I could just pinch myself and wake up to reality. But I've already tried that and failed dismally.

After finishing breakfast, I leave the plate on the nightstand and take a deep breath. My resolve was strengthened by the meal that I filled my tummy with. And with it, I feel more grounded.

At least I can think clearly enough to know I must find a way out. Climbing off the bed, I pad across the room to the door to inspect it.

As expected, it's locked. Sealed around the edges with a hard rubber as if it's meant to be soundproof. I can't imagine how many women they've brought here. As a shiver of alarm courses down my spine, I decide that I don't care to know.

All that matters is that I can get out. But the door isn't an option. So I head over to the balcony, where the gray mist fogs the air.

Sticking my hand out, I touch the mist and gasp. I quickly snatch my hand back when the mist swirls with black streaks where my fingers had made contact. I gulp hard, realizing that the fog isn't any ordinary fog. At least not the ones that exist in my world. The mystical shield isn't meant to be penetrated.

So the balcony is a bust, too.

“You won't be able to leave from there,” a soft female voice comes from behind before the gentle thud of the door.

I turn around warily. Though it comes as somewhat of a relief that I hear a female voice, it confuses me. I hadn't expected to feel any form of safety on this island. But as my eyes land on the pretty brunette with curiosity in her round brown eyes, a wave of relief washes over me.

“I figured that much,” I chuckle nervously as I head back inside. Cautiously because I'm not sure if the woman can be trusted.

The mild scent of her floral perfume encapsulates my senses, turning the dense air sweet and calming. Inviting, even. Unless it's a tactic used by the dragons to overpower their victims and get them to obey.

That's the only conclusion that I've come to. They plead for sympathy by claiming extinction, then use humans as sex slaves to fulfill their sick desires.

As if I would have sex with a beast!

“Who are you?” I ask tersely, keeping my spine ramrod straight and my shoulders tight. I can't trust anything or anyone, not after witnessing something that distorted my entire sense of reality.

I have to be prepared to fight. Thanks to breakfast, I'm willing and capable.

“Lily,” the woman chirps cheerfully as she sticks out her hand. “I'm Lily Turner. And you must be Yazmine.”

“Yazmine Hendricks,” I concede as I slip my hand into hers. Though warily, I can't help but notice how soft and warm her hand is. It's nothing like the unruly toughness of the dragon's scales. I frown at the woman, and she giggles when she notices my mistrust.

“I'm just like you, Yazmine,” she says in an assuringly soft tone. She gently slips her hand out of mine and skips toward the chaise lounge in the corner.

“What do you mean you're just like me?” I ask in confusion as I stand awkwardly in the room. Truthfully, I'm not sure what the hell is going on. So I don't know what to do with myself.

“I'm human too. Well… Not mortal anymore, thanks to my dragon mate,” she explains excitedly. The smile on her face is genuine, confusing me even further.

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