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“Rudy…” I shifted on the counter.

His hands clamped around my thighs, pulling me closer to him as he stood. “Yes, love?”

My eyes met his as my hand found his cock. Slowly, I stroked him. “People will be waiting on us.”

He smirked. “They’ll wait then.” His hands tightened on my thighs, opening me to him. I teased my slit with his tip, getting it wet with my juices, allowing him to slide in with one thrust of his hips.

A long, hoarse moan escaped me as my head fell back. His cock filled me, my body stretching for him. When he started moving, his hips rocking back and forth, I shuddered in pure ecstasy. This man knew just how to make me completely lose myself in the act of our lovemaking.

His thumb started to circle my clit, not touching but close enough to have me ready to beg for more. Sending pulses of lust and desire through me was this man’s specialty; today was no different. I whimpered the second he started to brush against the sensitive bundle.

“Yes…oh God!”

The sensation of him inside of me, his thumb’s ministrations, and the worry of getting caught was a trifecta of elation. My moans, I was trying not to be loud, but this man, he made my body come alive in ways no other could even attempt.

His mouth crashed into mine as my peak hit. The orgasm locked my body in a tight grip. He swallowed my cries and in turn, I stole his when he jerked, his release filling me.

Pulling back slightly, he rested his forehead against mine, his palm cupping my cheek.

“I love ye, more than I have words, love.”

“I love you, too,” I replied, almost breathlessly. “I never thought I’d have this.”

He pulled back further, his lips twitching. “What? A shag in a loo?”

My head fell back against the mirror, and I let out a long laugh.

“No, you big ogre. Love. A man who…this,” I said, waving a hand between us.

His smile grew as he leaned in, kissing me softly. “Dontcha be getting sappy, love.”

“It’s okay to be sappy.”

“Ye may be right, but I’s not into it.”

He was but wouldn’t admit it. That was okay; he didn’t have to.

“We should get a move on.” I wasn’t sure if that was a statement or a question. I glanced down at my watch and sighed. Statement it would seem. We had just over an hour until his 9:30am appointment was due in.

“Fair enough.”

I removed my jewelry while he started the shower.

He scooped me up off the counter and set me on my feet, holding tight until I had my feet under me. “First one finished has to go get coffee,” I remarked, stepping into the spray. I was fully rinsed by the time he stepped in with me.

“Coffee will be delivered at 9:15am, so we can take our time.”

Oh, yeah, we were so going to be late.

Chapter Seven


When I came into the building, my arms full of file boxes, I had no idea I was walking into a trap.

“Rudy! Oh my God. Baby, I’ve missed you!”

I stopped so fast at the sound of that voice that Ella ran straight into me. I quickly dropped the boxes and wrapped an arm around her.
