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He grinned. “It’s hidden. Come on, I’ll help ye in there. May, we might need to get the lads from housekeeping in to look at the carpet here.”

“Is it ruined? Dammit. I’m sorry. Next time I say I’m staying home, I’m staying home,” I whined.

“I’ll call them; you just help her to the bathroom,” May replied like I hadn’t spoken.

Fine, fine. I was going.

May stood with a hand in Emory’s. “Would you be a dear and stand at the end of the hall? Let’s give her some breathing room.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Emory said, following her out of the office.

When they were gone, and the door was closed, I sighed. My shoes were kicked off the moment I hit the doorway to the bathroom. I placed them in the sink to wipe down once I cleaned myself up.

Rudy hit a piece of the paneling, and lights came on, soft music filling the space. He shut the door, locked it, and pushed a hand against the opposite wall. There was a soft click and the wall folded back as he walked toward the wall.

“Oh, that’s freaking cool.”

“Only a few of us know it’s here. Da’s office has one too. It’s how we make do on those nights that we quite literally are here ‘til the sun comes up.”

“Cool. Cool.” I grunted as my jacket made a thwack sound on the floor. That was probably not coming clean. My shirt, camisole, and bra followed. I pushed my skirt down, grimacing at the way it stuck to one side of me.

“Yer skin is red. Are ye burned, love?”

“No, it’s fine, really.”

“Are ye—” he trailed off when the skirt hit the floor.

I looked up, my eyes widening a little. “What? Do I have marks or something?” I turned to look in the mirror, trying to get up on my tiptoes so I could see. His hands gripped my hips, his lips running down my neck.

“Ew, I’m covered in coffee. Don’t do that?” I laughed as he tickled my side.

“I think I enjoy it better aff yer body.”

I pushed back, my ass rubbing against his already hard cock. This man was insatiable.

“We are at work.”

“Yer the one with your tits out. And ye know what these do to me.” His fingers ran across the tops of my thigh highs, unclipping the snaps holding them in place. He dropped to a knee to slowly help me out of the wet stocking. Then he unhooked the other side. When he stood, I was in nothing but a pair of barely-there lace panties.

“I should shower…” I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. The way he was looking at me…I wasn’t going to be getting in that shower anytime soon.

I watched as his hands gripped my hips, and he lifted me to sit on the counter. The marble was cold under my warm skin. “Don’t ye move.”

He pulled his jacket off, hung it on the back of the door. The pressed shirt soon joined it as did his trousers. His t-shirt and boxers were left in a pile on the floor with his socks and loafers. I raised a brow.

“Did I miss a memo?” I teased. “I thought I was the dirty one who needed a shower.”

“Aye, ye be, love, but…” He leaned in, spreading my legs as his mouth claimed mine. I was breathless when he pulled back. “Ye look so beautiful, I need to have you before we go back to work.”

“You’re going to get us in trouble.”

“Ye like being a naughty lass.”

I really did, but only with him. I tugged at his bottom lip with my teeth. “That I do, sir. That I do.”

His mouth claimed mine in a heated kiss, then he slowly started to kiss down my neck, nipping at the flesh. He loved leaving a trail of redness. Marking me with his love bites. Not gonna lie, I fucking loved it too.

His mouth moved down my chest, to my breasts, where he teased my pebbled nipples. My head fell back, and I moaned. The sensations running through me right now…
