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“So, what’s on the agenda tonight? I have heard nothing in the group chat,” he asked.

Chloe, Miles, Sasha and Hendrix go out to dinner on Friday nights. They all work and it was the one time a week where they could all get together.

“Oh, I’m not sure how busy the shop will be today and I need to get stuff done for pickups tomorrow, so I might have to bow out of tonight.”

Hendrix looked at her. She doesn’t want him to think that just because they slept together that she was going to act weird.

Hendrix moved closer and kept his voice down. “If this is about last night, we’re good.”

Chloe could not ignore what happened last night. It meant more to her than it did to him. If only he knew. His cologne was intoxicating as he pushed into her personal bubble further.

“Seriously, I didn’t want this to change us.”

She pretended that it had nothing to do with him, but it did. “Don’t worry about that. I just have some things that have to get done for tomorrow, but I might make it. No worries.”

Hendrix eyed her and then lifted his gaze to Sasha, who was watching them. “Okay, well, I’ll see you later. Let me know in the group chat where we are meeting up and what time. Bye, guys.”

The door closing brought Chloe peace. She shouldn’t have slept with him last night, but at least she got to have him one time. Henceforth, his mere presence would incessantly occupy her mind.

How would she get him off her mind now?


Fresh lilies and roses nipped at her nostrils as Chloe unlocked the front door of Bloom & Grow, her flower shop in downtown Seattle. She breathed in, relishing the familiar fragrance that meant another day of doing what she loved.

Gazing around the shop, Chloe checked that every flower was perfectly arranged, and every leaf was meticulously placed. Her business was her life, her passion, the one thing that made her feel most alive. She spent more time here than in her own apartment, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Bloom & Grow was her baby, the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. And it paid off, blossoming into one of the most popular flower shops in the city.

“Morning, boss lady!” Sasha breezed through the door, coffee cups in hand, from their favorite cafe down the street, The Daily Grind. “One latte for you, one cappuccino for me.”

Chloe smiled, gratitude flooding her chest. What would she do without her?

She took a sip of the latte, the familiar warmth and flavor relaxing her. “Perfect, as always. You’re a lifesaver.”

Sasha waved her off, emerald eyes twinkling. “So, did you hear from Hendrix last night?”

A blush crept up Chloe’s neck at the mention of her oldest friend. She shook her head, a thrill running through her at the thought of him. “Not yet. But he’ll be by later, I’m sure.”

Sasha smirked. “That man is utterly smitten with you.”

She was sadly mistaken.

Chloe busied herself with rearranging a bouquet of tulips, hiding her smile. Her life might revolve around Bloom & Grow, but her heart? That was another story.

Chloe hummed along to the radio as she clipped thorns and trimmed stems, preparing a new shipment of roses for display. She breathed in the heady scent filling her shop, a blend of floral perfumes and greenery that never failed to soothe her.

The bell above the door chimed, announcing a new customer. Chloe glanced up from her work, a smile breaking across her face as she spotted a familiar figure in the doorway.

Hendrix strolled into the shop, hands tucked into the pockets of his designer slacks. His gaze found Chloe’s, a slow grin curving his lips. “Morning, darling.”

Heat flooded Chloe’s cheeks at the endearment. “Hendrix,” she said, aiming for nonchalance. “What can I do for you today?”

He prowled closer, shrugging broad shoulders. “Missed you at dinner last night. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to see your lovely face.”

Was she reading too much into this? Hendrix came in two or three times a week, but this was different. He had been acting weird since that night, and she didn’t know what to make of it.

Chloe ducked her head, a giddy laugh escaping. When she glanced up again, Hendrix was watching her with a softness in his eyes that made her heart stutter.

“So,” he drawled, leaning against the counter next to her. “Have dinner with me tonight?”

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