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The acrid scent of smoke clung to Chloe’s hair and clothes, a haunting reminder of the inferno that had nearly claimed their lives.

As she lay in Hendrix’s arms, staring at the ceiling of his penthouse bedroom, a shudder ran through her. She pressed closer to his side, seeking comfort in his warmth and solid presence.

His arm tightened around her shoulders, his hand gently stroking her arm. “Are you cold?”

“No, just...thinking about how close we came to dying in that fire.” Her voice hitched. “If you hadn’t come back for me when you did...”

Hendrix tilted her chin up, his eyes dark with emotion. “I will always come for you, Chloe. You’re not getting away from me that easily.”

His lips claimed hers in a searing kiss that stole her breath. A delicious heat unfurled inside her, chasing away the last vestiges of fear and chill.

When the kiss ended, she sighed and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “So, where do we stand now, Hendrix? After everything that’s happened...”

“You’re mine now, Chloe. For as long as you’ll have me.” His hand drifted down to rest over her heart. “I don’t want to waste any more time. Life is too short, and I almost lost you once. I won’t make that mistake again.”

A smile curved her lips as warmth and joy bloomed within her chest. “Well, in that case, you’re mine, too. Looks like we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

“Yes, we do.” Hendrix’s eyes gleamed with love and laughter. “And I plan to thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.”

His mouth descended on hers again, teasing and tantalizing. Chloe gave herself up to the delicious sensations swirling through her body, her heart soaring with the knowledge that they would face all of life’s challenges and adventures together from now on.

Chloe traced a finger down Hendrix’s jaw, her touch feather-light. “So, when do we tell our friends the good news?”

“Hmm, I was thinking we could keep this between us for a little while.” Hendrix nuzzled her neck, his warm breath tickling her skin. “I’d like to have you all to myself before we have to start sharing.”

She laughed, desire pooling low in her belly at his possessive tone. “I see. And just how do you plan on ‘having me’?”

“Like this.” Hendrix kissed her again, slow and deep, his hands roaming over her body and leaving trails of fire in their wake.

Chloe melted against him, her heart pounding as she gave herself over to the passion between them. There were no more doubts or hesitations, only love and longing.

When the kiss ended, they were both breathless. Hendrix gazed down at her, his eyes glowing with tenderness. “And like this.”

He scooped her into his arms, carrying her toward the bedroom. Chloe smiled, content to go wherever this new journey led them. After everything they had faced, she knew without a doubt that Hendrix would always be there to carry her through whatever challenges and triumphs life might bring.

And she would be there to carry him in return. Together, they were strong enough to overcome any obstacle. They had survived fire and found their way through the ashes to a love that was meant to last forever.

Chloe woke up tangled in Hendrix’s arms, their naked bodies pressed close under the silk sheets. She smiled as memories of their passionate night together flashed through her mind. It had been everything she dreamed it would be and more - intense, tender, and transformative.

Hendrix stirred beside her, his eyes blinking open. When he saw her, his lips curved into a lazy grin. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning.” She kissed him softly. “How do you feel about making our relationship official?”

His eyes widened, surprise and joy chasing across his features. “You mean...”

“I know what we said yesterday, but I had all night to think and I want the world to know you’re mine,” she said.

“Yes,” Hendrix breathed, rolling her beneath him. “A thousand times, yes.”

He kissed her with a fierce devotion that stole her breath away. By the time he drew back, her heart was so full of love for this man she thought it might burst.

“Shall we tell our friends the good news over brunch?” Hendrix asked. “I’m sure they’d be happy to celebrate with us.”

“I’d like that.” She combed her fingers through his hair. “But let’s do that tomorrow. How do you feel about a little more private celebration?”

Hendrix’s eyes gleamed with heat and promise. “I’m always ready to celebrate with you, darling.”

Chloe laughed, pulling him down to her again. Today was the start of forever, and there was no place she’d rather be than lost in Hendrix’s embrace.

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