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Chloe’s heart soared at his words, warmth flooding through her as she leaned into his embrace. All of her doubts and fears seemed to melt away, leaving only joy in their wake.

When the waiter arrived with their dishes, they were forced to break apart. But even over escargot and coq au vin, they couldn’t stop stealing glances at one another, smiles tugging at their lips.

“Do you remember that time in college when we snuck into the botanical gardens at night?” Hendrix asked, eyes sparkling with mirth. “And you convinced me to go skinny dipping in the koi pond?”

Chloe laughed, the memory as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. “How could I forget? You shrieked like a little girl when one of the fish nibbled at your toe!”

“I did not shriek,” he protested, though the twitching at the corner of his mouth betrayed him. “I may have yelped in a perfectly manly fashion.”

“Oh please. It was a shriek. A full on, hair-raising shriek.”

He aimed a mock glare in her direction, the effect ruined by the laughter in his eyes. “Are you always this insulting on dates, or am I just lucky?”

The playful glint in his gaze softened into something warmer, deeper.

Chloe’s heart stuttered at the unmistakable devotion etched into his face.

The escargot melted on her tongue, garlic and herbs mingling in a burst of flavor. Across from her, Hendrix made an appreciative sound as he savored his first bite.

“This is incredible,” he said. “Though not nearly as delectable as the company.”

Heat rose in her cheeks at the compliment. “Smooth talker.”

He grinned. “Only because it’s true.” His gaze dropped to her mouth as she took another bite, darkening with desire. “I can think of something else I’d like to be tasting right now.”

A delicious shiver ran down her spine at the implication in his tone. “Behave yourself,” she scolded, though she couldn’t quite suppress her own longing. “We’re in public.”

“My apologies.” His grin turned wicked. “I’ll save that for later, then, shall I?”

She shook her head, a thrill racing through her at the thought of later. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Only when it comes to you.” He lifted his glass, the champagne bubbles winking under the dim lighting. “To new beginnings, and to not wasting another moment of the time we have left.”

“To choosing love over fear,” she said softly, clinking her glass against his.

Hendrix’s eyes shone with emotion as he took a sip. “The best choice I’ve ever made.”

They talked for hours, sharing hopes and dreams as if they had never truly known each other before. This time, it was different. Partners in crime, partners in life. She had never imagined she could be this happy. And by the look of pure joy on Hendrix’s face, neither had he. But here they were, and this was only the beginning.

When they finally left the restaurant, it was nearly midnight. A light rain was falling from the inky sky, the droplets catching the glow of the streetlights.

Chloe shivered, though not from the cold. Hendrix noticed immediately, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close against his side.

“Come on, let’s get you out of this rain,” he murmured, guiding her towards where his driver stood waiting with the car.

But Chloe stopped, tugging on his hand. “Not yet.”

He turned to her with a questioning look, and she rose up on her toes, tangling her fingers in his hair to pull him down into a kiss.

Hendrix made a sound of surprise, but then his arms were wrapping around her tightly, crushing her against him as he deepened the kiss. Chloe melted into him, her heart soaring as she gave herself over to the moment.

The rain streamed down over them, but she was barely aware of the chill. All she knew was Hendrix, and the way he was kissing her as if he couldn’t get enough.

When they finally parted, breathless, Chloe gazed up at him with a smile. “Now we can go.”

Hendrix let out a soft laugh, pressing his forehead to hers. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

“But what a way to go,” she teased.

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