Page 29 of Stir

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It works for most of the day, until I hear Natalie gathering up her things to leave a little after five o’clock. It’s my cue to start wrapping up, not wanting to keep Finn late, since he said he has plans tonight. This paperwork can wait until the morning.

“What would you think about just leaving from here?” says Finn.

“For dinner?” says Natalie. She laughs lightly. “If you don’t mind me wearing my work clothes.”

His voice drops. “You look fantastic. If I haven’t said so already today, chalk it up to my not wanting to distract you while you’re working.”

“Oh.” That single syllable is softer, more feminine.

They’re going out tonight. That was what had Finn so chipper this morning, what had him whistling. Not only did he get to see Natalie all day, but now they’re going out for dinner. And then?—




The elevator ride down to the lobby is strained, since Nic absolutely insisted that we leave at the same time today. Finn and Nic take opposite sides, each leaning back against the wall of the car. I keep my place in the middle, trying not to be embarrassed that my boss and my date are glaring daggers at each other.

It had been such a nice day, after Nic’s father left anyway, then that awkward moment afterward. I blushed every time I thought about it—the moment after, not Mr. Pendergrass. The older man had made me pretty uncomfortable, but Nic handled it as deftly as he handles everything. It’s painfully attractive, seeing his competence in action, and yes, I realize I’m sitting here having lusty thoughts about the man who is not my date. Not cool, Natalie.

But Nic had been so obviously upset about it after. For a moment, I thought he… well, it doesn’t matter what I thought at that moment. Either way, I’m pretty sure he heard Finn and me talking about our dinner plans.

The thought makes me hotter, and I don’t know what on earth to think about that.

Nobody speaks on the ride down, but I get the distinct impression Nic and Finn are having their own wordless conversation. The lobby is a relief, and Finn’s hand on the small of my back as we walk to the door is a welcome surprise. It’s the first time he’s touched me since that sweet-sexy kiss on the cheek after coffee two days ago. Not that I’m counting.

“Have a good night, boss,” calls Finn with a wave. Nic’s face is set in stone.

“See you both tomorrow,” he says, walking away before I can say anything at all. I turn to Finn. His eyes are warm, a clear contrast to the brisk air around us. It’s already nearly dark.

“Ready for dinner?”

“I could eat,” I say. He doesn’t hide his anticipation, and that low heat that’s been simmering since we met kicks up a notch. “I should probably meet you there, though. My car’s here in the lot.”

“We can ride together if you like. Nic drove us in this morning.”

“Perfect,” I say. “I’ll drive.”

Heat, anticipation, attraction, or some combination of all three flickers in his eyes. “Lead the way.”

He holds my hand in the car. That sweet, simple touch undoes me, and the night has barely started. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched in any way, much less with something like tenderness or affection. Those little gestures had stopped well before Jeff ended our relationship.

I’m almost sorry the restaurant is so close by, at least, until we walk inside.

“Oh, Finn.”

“What’s the matter?” His murmur is close to my ear, close enough to make me shiver.

“This place is lovely, but I really should have gone home to change first.”

Finn makes a quiet sound of protest, shaking his head once, firmly.

“You look gorgeous,” he says, still close enough I can feel his breath on my skin. “Any man alive would be lucky to have you.”

“To have me?” I’m a glutton for praise. Sue me. He looks at me with such heat, I think we may get ourselves escorted out of the building before we have a chance to eat.

A moment later, our table is ready, and I’m sitting in warm candlelight, enjoying the way it flickers in his incredible blue eyes. He looks like a pirate in this light, or some fierce highland warrior, somehow transported to me through time and sheer force of will.

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