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My palms grow clammy as I wrap my arms around myself, suddenly wishing I could shrink away altogether.

“Of course not!” Rainer roars.

“You could’ve killed her!” Eoin shoves Rainer harder this time. “You selfish bastard.”

Rainer doesn’t fight back as Eoin cocks his fist, ready to land a blow. Then suddenly, before his punch can land, Eoin makes a choking sound and grabs his throat. He drops to his knees, gaze flashing to his sister behind Rainer.

I’ve seen her do this before—elemental magic.

Eoin’s eyes bulge. It doesn’t last long before Sennah releases her hold on him and he gasps for breath, desperately sucking lungfuls of air down.

“Eoin,” she hisses in warning. “Compose yourself. We cannot attack the Umbra Prince in his own court.” A stern look crosses her face, and she raises her brows at her brother, as if willing him to challenge her.

He gives her a sharp nod, and takes a few deep inhales. “We’ll see how long this bastard rules his court once the truth comes out.”

“Eoin—” Sennah says his name carefully. “Let it go. You have your own court to focus on.”

“He truly is a bastard.” Eoin shakes his head. “A demon bastard.” He levels a hard stare at Rainer. “I always knew there was something wrong with you—with your magic. Your soul. I feckin’ knew it.” He looks at me. “You deserve better, Alessia. Whatever he promised you, it’s a lie. You’re not safe here. You never will be.”

Sennah sighs and throws her flowing blonde hair up into a messy bun. “I’m going to assist Viv and Ken.”

“Why are you so nonchalant about this, sister?” Eoin asks, rubbing his temples. Sennah bites her lip, and glances away. His gaze grows deadly. “You knew? This whole time?”

“It’s not that big of a deal,” she whispers. “You’re the one who has a problem with him. Not me. Get your head out of your arse.”

“Unbelievable.” Eoin’s face reddens. “You knowingly let a demon run our neighboring court. I could’ve taken over long ago had you confided in me, but you chose a bastard over your own blood.”

Rainer scowls at Eoin, watching the interaction carefully.

“Eoin—” Sennah’s normally kind face morphs into something sharp. Her voice takes on an authoritative tone. The ruler in her comes out. “Maybe you should learn from the bastard and take care of your own court. Your own people. Stop focusing on him and focus on yourself. Whether you admit it or not, Rainer runs Umbra Court damn well.”

“That’s complete shite and we both know it.”

“No. It’s not.” She gives her brother a pointed look. “As your sister, I’m asking you not to repeat anything you’ve learned tonight. Let it go.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Then as your princess, I am commanding you to keep this information to yourself and to not act on it. The Umbra Court is our ally. It will stay that way.”

“This is a mistake, Sennah.”

She shrugs at him before exiting the room, mumbling to herself about her brother being an idiot.

Eoin’s body twitches with anger, as if he can’t stay still. “I’m taking her with me.”

His eyes lock onto Rainer, who appears almost bored. “No.”

“I am taking Alessia back to Terra Court,” Eoin repeats. “She will be safe there.”

“Wait a second—” I start, only to get cut off.

“You’re a disgrace to Avylon, Rainer, and I don’t care what my sister says, we will never be allies. If Alessia stays here, she’ll be the next one lying on your floor, staining it with whatever drops of her blood remain—if any remains at all.” Eoin cocks a brow. “I’m assuming that’s what really happened to your parents? Right? Weren’t they found drained of blood, while you were untouched?” Rainer flinches as the words strike home. “You murdered your own mother. Your own father.”

Rainer gives him a cold look. His fingers dance nervously against his thigh.

“Come with me, Alessia,” Eoin pleads. “I can keep you safe.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I cross my arms defiantly.

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