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I’ll See You in My Dreams


I stare at Felix’s lifeless body, frozen in shock. I’m sure I mirror his expression right now, save for the fact I’m filled with life.

The others flit around me, buzzing like bees as they converse. I don’t register it for a few minutes, until the shock subsides.

“She’s not safe here,” Eoin hisses. He’s at mine and Rainer’s side in a flash.

Rainer ignores him, cupping my face. He brings his forehead to mine. “I didn’t do this, Alessia. This wasn’t me.”

The tears stream down my face as I regain my grip on reality.

Felix is here.

And he’s dead.


Because of a vampyr.

Because of something like Rainer.

I pull away from him.

“Mo róisín—”

Raising a hand, I cut him off. “I know this wasn’t you,” I whisper. “I know you wouldn’t do this.”

“Never. Never like this.”

“Why would she think this was you?” Eoin asks in a low tone.

I’m aware of all the eyes on us, but I can’t find it in me to care right now. I might’ve been okay with parting ways with Felix, with never having a full resolution, but I didn’t want him dead. He might not have been the best lover, but he was still my friend. He didn’t deserve such a brutal death.

And worse, I’m filled with guilt at the realization that he probably came looking for me.

It’s my fault he’s dead.

“Your brother—” I croak out. “Where is he?”

I saw him at the party when I was dancing with Eoin. He was lingering on the outskirts, watching me. My skin crawls and I shudder. What if I had been alone? Would that be me laying on the sheet instead of Felix?

I was wrong to think my place in the Umbra Court is safer than the lord’s estate.

“Brother?” Eoin asks.

Rainer’s expressionless mask slips into place as he runs his fingers through his hair. “Kenisius—find Tynan. Now.”

Wordlessly, Ken obeys, darting out of the room with Viv on his heels. Sennah is quiet in the background, but I’m all too aware of her attention on us. Eoin looks between Rainer and me, and I know I’ve revealed too much. The Terra Prince silently places the pieces together.

Not just about me and Rainer… but about what Rainer is.

“You fool.” Eoin steps between Rainer and me, planting his hands on Rainer’s chest and shoving him—hard. Rainer barely stumbles, but his jaw tics and his fingers flex at his side. “You are supposed to be the one who protects the court. Instead, you are the curse.”

In the short time I’ve known him, I’ve never seen Eoin’s face so red, so angered.

“What the hell were you thinking? You could’ve hurt her.” Eoin paces, shaking his head rapidly. “Did you do this?” He turns to face Rainer, pointing at Felix’s body. “Was this you?”

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