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Without thinking about the potential consequences, I turn to run.

The lord is quicker, even in his deep state of intoxication. He grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking my head back, and I cry out, legs flailing as he hauls me backward. He shoves me face down onto the stone island in the center of the kitchen.

The cool stone bites into my flesh. He rests one meaty paw on the back of my head, pressing my face into the cool stone, while his other hand begins lifting my skirt. My muscles tense and I squirm, desperate to wiggle free. Tears stream down my face, puddling beneath my cheek.

Please, gods!

I want to beg, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction. It will only encourage him. He loves the power, the control, and my pleads would be a gift to his wretched soul.

The belt whistles through the air, biting into my bare skin and catching me off guard.

I gasp, clenching my teeth as tight as I can to keep from yelling out.

Before the sting can settle, he lands a second lash.

Then a third.

Each lash comes in quick succession, building on the pain from the previous strike.

My body jolts involuntarily each time the leather finds its mark, and my vision begins to fade. A metallic taste fills my mouth from biting down so hard on my cheek.

Only three out of ten strikes down, and a dark fog fills my vision. My limbs go limp beside me.

Char’s face fills my thoughts. She’ll help me heal. I only need to survive this first.

“Poor leetle Dolly.” The lord leans over me, hovering so close I can almost taste the whiskey on his breath.

His palm travels up the back of my thigh, and he strokes my bare flesh.

Bile rises in my throat and I gag as his hand rises higher, and higher, until it meets the curve of my arse. Skin that is once again ribboned red and raw.

His aggression tonight is different. These touches are different.

They’re urgent.


I’m horrified Char will have to watch this, and I’m ashamed I’m so defenseless.

The lord releases me for a moment, grunting as he fumbles with the buttons on his trousers. Taking a deep breath, I summon my inner strength and scramble away from him. His thick fingers grab my ankle, dragging me back toward him.

“No,” Char whispers. “This has gone on for far too long.”

Time slows as she hobbles into view, gripping a butcher’s knife with deadly calm.

“Char—no! Don’t—”

She juts the blade into the lord’s side before he can register what’s happening. The slobbering, red-faced man makes the noise of a dying animal. He rolls off me, thumping to the ground.

I stumble to my feet as he struggles with shaky hands to rip the blade from his gut. It clatters to the ground beside him as his hands rush to find the gushing wound.

“You—You!” He coughs and blood trickles from his lips.

Heavy numbness roots me in place as his eyes flutter shut and his body stills.

“What did you do?” I whisper to Char, my voice cracking.

“He needed to be stopped. I—”

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