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In my personal space, the intensity of his eyes pierced me, shaking my core, rendering me speechless for a moment. The way he jumped in, willing to stand up for me, was a reaction I hadn’t imagined possible on the first day together.

“You appeared at the right time. I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough for that, Buddy.”

“I suppose it’s what any fiancé would do,” he said with a quick twitch of his lips.

“I guess we should talk?” I asked, and he let me go.

“Yeah. Especially since I don’t recall proposing to you.”

I led him down another hall to my corner office. Once there, I closed the door and leaned my back on it, taking in a ragged breath. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe he did that to me.”

Buddy glided across the room to my bar cart and poured a glass of water. The antique crystal glass set was Mom’s, and this had been her office. “Here, drink.” He held the rim to my lips, and I sipped, wondering if she had ever been so lucky to have a handsome man fight for her honor, then serve her a drink.

Unfortunately, other than her marriage to Cal, I didn’t think Mom had ever been lucky in love.

“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to walk into such a despicable display from Edward.” I took the glass, my hand shaky.

“Don’t apologize for the asshole. You were right to throw him off the property. If a man can’t respect a woman, he shouldn’t be in the company of one at all.”

“If only Cal shared your beliefs.” I scoffed and sauntered to my desk. Buddy proved far from the typical man in L.A. From my drawer, I retrieved a dainty silver-plated mirror and a tube of red lipstick. While I applied a fresh coat, Buddy came closer.

“What does that mean?”

“It means Cal is old school. He recently announced that if I don’t marry Edward, then I don’t get to take over the studio. He thinks I need a man by my side.” I lamented and fidgeted with Mom’s ring around and around on my finger. The huge pave diamond had a slight yellow tint, and looked ostentatious on me, but I adored it anyway.

“Dream Waves Studio is all I’ve ever wanted, Buddy. It belonged to my mother, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take it from me.”

I sniffled and reached for a tissue from my drawer, bringing it to my nose and dabbing my eyes. It had the effect I desired, judging by Buddy’s softened glance.

“Shit,” he muttered, narrowing his eyes. “Edward hardly seems like an appropriate husband for you. How can Cal make such a demand?”

“Because he sees only the money and the power that a connection with the Kings would bring. Fairy tales are only in the movies, as he likes to remind me.”

“That’s absurd.”

I shrug. “It’s something I’ve seen my entire life, the way woman are used and abused in this industry by men who think they hold all the cards.”

“You should tell Cal about what happened. Or better yet, call the police. Press charges against Edward. That’d show him.”

“Right, then Edward’s father would rain holy hell upon Cal and ruin this studio for good,” I sarcastically remarked, and left my desk, coming around to his side.

“I’m not part of the establishment. I’ll call it in.”

“Sweet of you to offer, but he’ll know you did it, and make things ten times worse for me. Don’t you see? Beneath all the glitz and glamour of this town lies a mess of power hungry people.”

“Like the asshole said, I’m a newbie. I don’t live by the same rules you do here.”

I burst out in a chuckle, but with more tears, crying at the same time. “Oh God, Buddy. I just need a-a…”

“You need a hug? Come here.” He pulled me closer, and I didn’t fight it, even though I was about to say I needed someone to play my the role of my husband and save me from a life with the Kings.

Right into his arms I went, fitting perfectly under his chin. My ear warmed against his chest. His ocean clean scent soothed me like aromatherapy, and his honest way-too-good-for-Hollywood-heart beat strong enough for two.

Enveloped in his arms, his fingertips drifted along my back. Tingles radiated from there, throughout every limb, and my nipples hardened. I could lose myself in his hold. “You give way too nice of hugs, Buddy.” I pulled away and sauntered over to the window.

“I’ve never heard complaints about them before. Then again, I’ve never had a fiancé before. I was just a convenient scapegoat to warn off the asshole, right?”

“Yeah, about that. You see, I’d been putting off Cal and his plan for the past few months by telling him I had a long-distance boyfriend.”

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