Page 45 of Primal Claim

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Elian was battered and bruised, his head hanging down, his long hair hiding his face. His bound feet dangled down by Korvax's hip, his bound hands hanging limply in front of him. Even in his bedraggled state, there was a fiery defiance to him, a refusal to be completely cowed.

Rael's mate. His human.

He was alive.

Rael gritted his teeth, fury and determination warring in his breast. He was going to stop this bastard. He was going to take Elian back.

Korvax whipped around at the first sound of Rael's racing footsteps, headed straight toward him. He bared his teeth savagely, but without surprise — he had to have known that Rael would be after him. "Took you long enough. You must be getting old."

Elian had been hanging over Korvax's shoulder, but at that, he looked up. "Rael!" he cried.

Rael's jaw clenched. He was going to break every bone in Korvax's smug face. "Let him go."

Korvax raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't think I will. You see, I'm about to sell this little pretty thing."

Rael reached for his blade. "Over my dead body"

"That can be arranged."

Korvax cast Elian to the ground, and charged. Rael roared, and he met Korvax head on.

And as he lunged into battle, his heart burst with one singular, undeniable emotion, drowning out all others.


He loved Elian. He'd denied it at first, trying to ignore it, but now it filled him with a fierce, undeniable strength. He was willing to do anything to keep Elian safe, even if it meant facing down an army, even if it meant breaking every single one of his kind's rules.

He was an alpha Borraq, in love with a human — and he was going to fight to save him.

Korvax struck first, his movements a flurry of wicked precision honed by a lifetime of underhanded dealings. But Rael was prepared, his own combat skills forged by the harsh demands of the wilds. He deflected the blows with an ease born of intense training, his counter-attacks scoring glancing hits that only enraged Korvax further.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rael caught Elian flinching, the human clearly awed by the ferocity of the exchange. He longed to offer reassurance, but couldn't spare the distraction. Not while Elian's freedom was at stake.

Wait for me, my mate…!

Chapter twenty-one

Elian couldn't breathe.

In front of him, the two Borraq circled each other in the valley. The first light of dawn painted the world in hues of gold and pink, turning the dewy grass at their feet into a carpet of jewels — but there was nothing beautiful about the scene.

Rael and Korvax were going to kill each other.

The world had gone mad. Just a few weeks ago, Elian had been a simple colony worker, training for a life among the stars. He'd planned for a quiet, peaceful life, free of any kind of excitement.

And then his ship had crashed, throwing him into Rael's arms.

The man was a whirlwind, a storm given flesh. He'd taken Elian prisoner and dragged him across the planet — but in the process, he'd somehow made Elian fall for him.

It was madness. Rael was an alien, a member of a species at war with humanity. His culture was as alien as his appearance, all honor and words that had no direct translation. His moral code was something that Elian could barely wrap his head around, a brutal world of clans and challenges.

But despite all of that, Rael had somehow ignited a spark within Elian. Underneath his fear, underneath his confusion, there was something else.

Something like hope.

And then, just moments ago, that hope had burst into full flame. Rael had come to save him.

Maybe there was some way they could be together after all. Elian had never felt so happy in his entire life.

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