Page 36 of Primal Claim

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There would be no second chances for Korvax.

At his back, Rael felt Elian shift into a wary stance, balanced on the balls of his feet. Ready to run. Good man.

His arrogant smirk was the only warning they got before Korvax attacked.

Rael moved on instinct, his blade a blur of steel as he met Korvax's strike. Their blades clashed together, sending sparks flying. Korvax may have had no clan, but his blade was true, standing up to the blow. Rael grunted with the force of their clash, boots skidding in the loose gravel as he fought to keep his footing.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Elian dart back, moving out of the way with a speed that would have made Rael proud if they weren't in the middle of battle.

With a snarl, Korvax whirled on Elian, his blade flashing out in a deadly arc. Rael bellowed a wordless shout of rage and launched himself at Korvax's back.

Metal shrieked on metal as their blades clashed again. Rael bared his fangs, meeting Korvax's vicious snarl with one of his own as they grappled for control of the fight. He could feel Elian at his back, could sense the human's determination and courage like a star.

The mountain pass was narrow and jagged, with the wilderness stretching out far below them. Blow after blow rained down, but Rael was always one step ahead. He used the narrow ground to his advantage, letting Korvax overextend with his strikes, then retaliating with brutal counterattacks that drove the other Borraq back, off-balance.

Korvax was arrogant, but even a man like him knew that when it came to strength, he couldn't take Rael on man-to-man. He fought like the carrion-botherer he was, coming in here for a quick strike, lunging like a snake for every opening he could find. Sweat broke out on Rael's skin as he fought, on high alert for every new tactic that Korvax was going to throw at him.

Then, too late, a swift breeze told Rael that he'd been focusing too much on what was in front of him, and not enough on what was behind him — the ravine that stretched out beneath them.

Damn! Korvax had backed Rael up against an edge of the trail, pinning him in position with his back against the drop.

If he took one step back…!

And Korvax knew it. With a lethal glee in his eyes, he lunged for Rael.

Rael braced himself, muscles coiled tight as Korvax charged forward, his blade a deadly streak of steel. This was it — the final clash that would decide their fates. He tensed, ready to meet the bounty hunter's onslaught head-on.

But then a blur of movement caught the corner of his eye. Elian made a sharp, sudden gesture.

And then the rock that he'd thrown smashed straight into Korvax's head.

The stone struck true, cracking against Korvax's temple with a sickening thud. The bounty hunter stumbled, his attack going wild as he lost his footing on the uneven ground. Rael knocked him aside, throwing Korvax off-balance.

Almost in slow motion, Korvax stumbled precariously at the edge of the rocky cliffside, boots slipping on the loose rock.

And then, with a startled cry, he was gone — tumbling down into the ravine below.

Rael was at the precipice in an instant, peering over the edge with his heart in his throat.

Damn. Rael's stars today were clearly not lucky. Korvax had skidded down the cliff face, landing in a crumpled heap on an outcropping below. He was groaning in pain, but still alive.

For now, at least. But there was no way for Rael to get down to Korvax and put an end to his pursuit for once and all. Rael scowled.

He turned to where Elian stood, frozen. "We need to move," he growled. "A dog like that won't be down for long."

Elian blinked, then nodded jerkily, adrenaline and fear lending his movements a frantic edge. Without another word, they put as much distance between them and the ravine as possible.

They ran until their lungs burned, eating up the miles. All that mattered was putting distance between them and the jackal dogging their steps, leaving him to trail to follow.

Finally, when they could move no further, they collapsed into a sheltered alcove, gasping for air. Rael leaned back against the cool stone, his chest heaving. His gaze found Elian's, and he couldn't help the bark of surprised laughter that burst from his lips.

"You..." He shook his head in amazed disbelief. "You threw a rock at him. You impossible, foolish little thing."

Elian managed a weak grin, still wheezing. "Hey, it worked, didn't it?"

"It did." Rael reached out, gripping the back of Elian's neck in a gesture of gratitude and pride. "Quick thinking in the face of danger. I'll make a warrior of you yet, mate."

The endearment slipped out without thought, but it felt right on his tongue. Elian's eyes widened at the word, his pupils wide. Rael watched the human's throat work as he swallowed hard.

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