Page 33 of Primal Claim

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The moment was over in a heartbeat, but the heat of Rael's touch seared through the fabric of Elian's clothes. He clung to the alpha for just a moment longer than strictly necessary, breathing in the clean, masculine scent of him. When Rael looked down at him, his eyes were dark with hunger. Elian knew that the desire between them was mutual, no matter how stoic Rael's expression was.

And then Rael set Elian back down on his feet, and they continued on their journey as if nothing had happened.

It was the most maddening form of torture.

Finally, after a long walk, with no sign of that damn bounty hunter, Rael finally deemed it safe to take a break. Elian moved to assist without prompting. His hands were steady as he gathered the fruits that Rael had taught him were safe, his movements sure as he filled his arms. What would have seemed like an impossible, alien task mere days ago now felt second nature.

"You're adapting well," Rael said. The simple praise sent a tiny thrill zinging through Elian's veins. "This world's perils no longer faze you as they once did."

It was true. Though the crash site's devastation would forever be seared into Elian's memory, the desolation of this alien world no longer felt so stark and hopeless. Vasz didn't feel like the nightmare world he'd once thought it was.

Even if its snakes were way too big. Urgh.

No, it wasn't a nightmare world any more — not with Rael to show him how to live in it.

As he picked fruit, Elian's cheeks heated. He ducked his head to avoid Rael's too-perceptive stare — and then winced. "Ow."

Rael's expression tightened as he watched blood blossom from the cut on Elian's hand. Rael reached out, tugging Elian's hand closer for inspection. "You're hurt."

"This? It's nothing." Elian looked at the cut. "It's just a scratch."

"It needs tending. Xirath splinters can lodge deep." Rael tugged him closer with ease. Rael held Elian's hand in his with surprising tenderness, a tiny furrow appearing between his brows as he examined the injury with sharp eyes.

Elian's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected care, at the simple intimacy of Rael's touch.

He knew he shouldn't revel in the alpha's possessive streak, knew he shouldn't crave the sparks of primal hunger that banked hot and low in Rael's gaze whenever it swept over Elian's form. It was stupid.

Rael was his captor, and he was Rael's captive. That was all they could ever be.

And yet…

Elian couldn't deny the longing that blossomed warm in his chest, something bone-deep that went beyond just physical desires — though those had definitely been nice, too.

Rael's proximity was heady, intoxicating in a way that had nothing to do with his strength and everything to do with the fierce protectiveness he exuded. That same protectiveness was in full force now as Rael tended to Elian's wound with deft, careful movements. His touch was grounding, steadying in a way that threatened to upend Elian's world.

Elian didn't know what Rael ultimately intended to do with him — if he'd still turn Elian over for the bounty or not — but right now, Elian didn't want to think about it.

He wanted more of the way that Rael had made him feel last night. There was something about the way that the alpha looked at him, like he really desired Elian.

No one had ever looked at him like that before.

Before Rael could talk him out of it, Elian ducked in and kissed him.

Rael's lips were warm and firm against his. Desire curled hot and heavy in Elian's belly at the touch of their lips, and then at the way that Rael's arm slid around his waist and pulled him in close.

Rael's mouth slanted over his, and the alpha's tongue teased at the seam of Elian's lips. Elian clung to Rael, unable to get enough of the way that their bodies fit together, the hard planes of the alpha's chest against his own.

They tumbled back onto the grass, the thick grass cushioning their fall. Fresh dawn sunlight spilled across the clearing, bathing them in pale light. Rael's golden skin glowed like something otherworldly, a vision from a dream.

It was the most surreal and also the most romantic moment of Elian's life.

Elian's wry thoughts were cut off by the press of Rael's body against his own, the hard lengths of the alpha's desire unmistakable even through the thick fabric of their clothes. Heat raced through Elian, the heady power of knowing that he was the one to stoke that desire, that he was the focus of Rael's intense, burning need.

And he wanted to make that desire burn even hotter.

Elian found himself grinning against Rael's mouth. He'd been thinking about a certain something ever since he'd learned that Rael's species had two cocks. He hadn't had time to test it last night — Rael had kept him busy for hours, unceasing, and there hadn't been time to experiment.

Borraq had sharp teeth. That had to impact what they could and couldn't do.

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