Page 32 of Primal Claim

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And as he looked down at Elian, as he saw the way the human's eyes sparkled with pleasure, Rael knew that he had made the right choice. He had found his mate, and he would never let him go.

Even if that meant fighting the world.

Chapter thirteen

Elian stirred awake, his body deliciously sore and languid in the aftermath of the previous night. He was smarting in all the right places — the delicious ache of Rael's claiming touch. The lingering scent of their mingled musk clung to Elian's skin, only serving to stoke the embers of desire that still banked low in his belly.

For a few blissful moments, he allowed himself to bask in the warm cocoon of the bedroll and simply breathe in the earthy notes of Rael's scent. His lashes fluttered as he turned his head, seeking out the hard planes of Rael's form amid the rumpled bedding.

Rael's sleeping visage stole Elian's breath. The alpha looked so peaceful in repose, the stern lines of his features softened by slumber. A lock of hair spilled over one high cheekbone, lending an almost ethereal quality to his beauty.

Elian's chest tightened at the sight, a confusing tangle of emotions swirling in his breast. Part of him yearned to reach out and trace the sharp angle of Rael's jaw, to commit every detail to memory while he had the chance.

Because despite the blissful interlude they'd shared, a kernel of doubt remained.

Would Rael still claim the bounty on Elian's head?

The thought was almost too painful to consider, a cold knot of dread that coiled heavy in the pit of Elian's stomach.

He pushed the doubts aside for now, refusing to dwell on the harsh reality. It would inevitably come crashing back in. For now, Elian simply allowed himself to drink in the sight of his alien lover at peace, cherishing this stolen moment while he could.

It might be the last time he was able to.

All too soon, the quiet was shattered by the distant call of some alien creature. Rael stirred, his piercing gaze flaring open as the vestiges of sleep fell away. Those vivid emerald eyes found Elian instantly.

Heat blossomed in Elian's cheeks at the naked want in Rael's stare. Rael's nostrils flared, no doubt scenting the fresh spike of arousal that Elian couldn't hide. A low, rumbling growl vibrated from Rael's chest as he shifted closer, looming over Elian with blatant intent.

"Good morning," he purred.

Elian's heart skipped a beat at the seductive promise in that deep voice. He bit his lip, unable to help the way his body responded. "Good morning. Or, uh, night, I suppose."

Elian winced as he shifted to sit up. A tremor rippled through his slight frame, the memories of the previous night vivid. Lesson learned: when getting railed by an alien alpha, take things a little slower.

Rael's gaze sharpened at the movement, those eyes missing nothing as they roamed over Elian in a slow, assessing sweep. Rael rumbled low in his chest. "You're sore," he murmured. There was no judgment or mockery in that rich tone, only a statement of fact.

Heat crept into Elian's cheeks at the blunt observation. "I'm fine. I can handle it. Should we get moving?"

For a moment, Rael looked at him, assessing, but then he nodded. Rael moved with his customary, efficient grace as he rose and began gathering their meager belongings. Elian watched through heavy-lidded eyes, unable to resist trailing his gaze over the hard lines of Rael's form.

He committed every detail to memory: the flex of corded muscle beneath gold skin, the strength in those powerful thighs, the masculine breadth of Rael's shoulders tapering to the lean vee of his hips…

All too soon, Rael turned back to him with an arched brow. Elian flushed, heat prickling over his skin at being caught staring so brazenly. He looked away, acting innocent.

Rael made no comment on Elian's ogling, though. With deft movements, he slung his gear over one broad shoulder and extended his free hand. "Come," he rumbled, the simple word holding layers of unspoken promise that had Elian's pulse kicking up a notch. "Let's get moving."

They fell into an easy routine. Rael would walk ahead, his sharp eyes keeping an eye out for any potential dangers in the light of the moons. Meanwhile, Elian followed behind, doing his best to keep up as he picked his way through the darkness. Somewhere along their journey, he began to ask Rael questions about Vasz, and Rael indulged him with patient answers.

Soon, the conversation moved to Rael's clan. "They're good people," Rael said, a note of pride in his voice. "Strong, kind, living off the land and keeping it in balance. We have a large territory, but it's safe and prosperous, thanks to them."

It was once hard to imagine the gruff, no-nonsense alpha speaking fondly about anything, but there was no mistaking the warmth in his eyes as he described his clan. "That sounds nice," Elian said. It really did.

The more time Elian spent with Rael, the more he began to understand him. Yes, he was a fierce and dangerous man, one who would kill without hesitation to protect what was his. But at the same time, he was a leader, fiercely proud of the people under his care. He was a man of honor, with a code that governed his actions — even if that code was sometimes at odds with a human's idea of justice.

And when he was kissing Elian, he was surprisingly sweet.

At every difficult patch of terrain, Rael was there to lend a hand. He'd boost Elian up a rock face, his strong grip sending sparks of heat through his body. He'd help him across a wide gap, his arm wrapped firmly around Elian's waist, pulling him close and keeping him safe. As the dawn broke and the bright Vasz day began, the heat of the suns were nothing compared to the heat of Elian's cheeks.

At one particularly difficult crossing, Rael didn't bother helping Elian across the gap. Instead, he simply swept him up into his arms and carried him across, bridal-style.

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