Page 96 of Malone's Fate

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Yeah, right. Innocent, my ass.

Opal knew what she was doing.

The shithead.


“What? Lilac,” Tanner said warningly. “How much sleep did you get?”

“A few hours, I’m fine.”

“A few hours on the couch?” Linc asked, staring down at the sofa. “Why are you sleeping on the sofa?”

“Oh, well, I’m fine. I’m used to it now. I sleep on the sofa in Sugar too. And I like to be by the door in case . . .”

“In case what?” Tanner asked. “In case someone breaks in? So you can be the first line of defense?”

Why was he getting angry? “You say that like it’s dumb.”

“Because it is!” he snapped.

“Shh, you’re going to wake Kye,” she scolded. “He’s a good sleeper, but you’re being way too loud.”

As if on cue, they heard a baby cry.

“I’ll get him,” Ryleigh said.

But Linc turned to her with a frown. “No, you won’t.”

“He’s my baby,” she protested, trying to stand.

“You’re still not well enough, Ryleigh,” Linc told her gently as he pressed her back onto the sofa. “Let someone bring him to you.”

“I’ll just . . .” Lilac tried to move away, but Tanner refused to let her go.

“Tanner,” she said firmly.

“You need to quit the job at the diner.”

Right. So Mr. Bossy was here today.

“I’m beginning to think you have a split personality,” she told him. “Mr. Bossy and Mr. Easygoing.”

“How about I get Kye?” Opal said, clearly fighting a smile. “You two are busy with your men.”

“He’s not my man,” both Lilac and Ryleigh said together.

“Split personality, huh?” Tanner said, cupping the side of her face. “Perhaps it’s just that you bring out the bossy, protective side in me. Did you ever think of that?”

“I’ve personally never seen him act like this,” Linc said.

Tanner shot a glare at Linc. “If you’re trying to calm my anger toward you, it’s not fucking working. We’re still having a reckoning.”

“I figured.” Linc gave her a remorseful look. “It’s not like I don’t deserve it.”

She opened her mouth and Linc shook his head. “Don’t say anything. Just . . . I’m really sorry I spoke to you like that, Lilac. I was worried about Ryleigh.”

“I know. But I love her. I’d never do anything to harm her.”

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