Page 36 of Malone's Fate

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“We?” he asked.

“I have some friends with me.”

“Men? Women?”

She didn’t answer. “I think I better go.” She hadn’t been expecting people to be so nosey.

“Sit down, Lilac.”

There was such command in his voice that she found herself sitting before she even thought about it.

Darn it.

“Are you in trouble?”

“What makes you ask that?” she asked.

“Many women have come to Haven because they were in trouble, and needed protection.”

“I can protect myself,” she muttered. Crap. She wasn’t getting this job.

He eyed her for a long moment. “It’s eighteen an hour and tips are split evenly at the end of the night.”

Relief filled her.

“That’s fine.” Eighteen was better than she’d ever been paid before. “Do you need me to do a trial?”

“Can you come back tomorrow at five?”


“We’ll do a trial then. Hours will normally be from five until close, Tuesday to Saturday.”

“That’s fine. I can also fill in if you need me to help on any other days.”

“No working more than five days a week,” he said firmly.

“All right. Thanks. I’ll be back. Is there anything I should wear or . . .”

“Just whatever is comfortable. I’ll order you a shirt if things work out. We don’t have anything small enough for you in stock.” He frowned slightly as he said that.

And she told herself she didn’t care if he didn’t think she looked good.

But she was lying.

“Have you spoken to the sheriff?” he asked.

Lilac straightened. “About what? Why would I talk to the sheriff? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

By the time she’d finished talking, she could feel herself breaking out in a sweat, her heart racing.

“Easy,” Devon said in a low voice. “I wasn’t suggesting you’d done anything wrong.”

She swallowed heavily. He rose and grabbed a bottle of water, handing it over to her.

Lilac just stared at the water. She wasn’t used to being offered things without an ulterior motive. Not from men, anyway.

Unless it’s Tanner.

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