Page 35 of Malone's Fate

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Her mouth dropped open before she could feel herself smiling, unable to help herself.

“I know it’s a mess. It’s just . . . everything has its place, and I don’t want anyone messing with my system.”

Somehow, that admission made her relax around him. He seemed more approachable.


“So Lilac Masters, was it?”

She nodded as he sat back and stared at her. “How do you know Savannah?”

There was no point lying, he’d be able to ask Savannah for the truth.

“I don’t. She came up to me as I was standing outside and for some reason, decided to help.”

Devon sighed. “Damn it. She’s got to stop talking to strangers like that. I’m gonna have to tell Logan.”

She frowned, a wary feeling inside her growing. “Who is Logan?”

“Her man.”

“Will he get mad at her?” she asked with concern.

“If you just met her, why do you care?”

She didn’t know. But she wasn’t going to just sit here if the other woman was being abused. “I thought this was a safe place where women were taken care of. Obviously, I was wrong. Where does she live?” She jumped to her feet.

“Whoa, firecracker. Take a seat again.” Something changed in Devon’s expression. She got the strange idea that he approved of her.


“Logan won’t harm her. He’d never hurt any woman. Neither would Max.”

“Who is he?”

“Her other man.”

Lilac’s mouth dropped open. Okay. Tanner had mentioned that, but part of her hadn’t believed him.

“Savannah is well loved and taken care of. No man in Haven would hit a woman. Spank them, maybe. Hit them, no.”

Her body grew hot. “He’ll spank her?”

“I can’t say. But whatever happens, it will be with Savannah’s consent.”

Tanner had threatened to spank her . .

“You still want a job here?” he asked.

“Yes. If you have one.”

“Turns out I do.” He tapped his fingers on the desk. “You’re living in Haven?”

“For . . . for the time being.”

“So, at some stage, you might just take off on me?”

“I’ll try not to. We want someplace safe to live. If that’s here, we might stay.”

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