Page 172 of Malone's Fate

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“Why bargain with him at all?” West asked. “We should just murder the bastard.”

“And how do you suggest we do that?” Alec asked.

“I don’t know, pay Regent’s contact to poison him?” Maddox suggested.

“He has a poison tester,” she said.

“What?” Tanner asked.

“Yeah, someone always tastes his food and drinks first to make sure they’re not poisoned. He’s a murdering asshole, but he’s not dumb. Are you . . . are you planning this arrangement in order to lure him somewhere?” she asked.

Alec stared at her, approval in his face. “You’re smart.”

She was her father’s daughter, after all.

“What? I don’t like this idea, either.” Tanner frowned.

“Regent thinks it’s our best chance,” Alec said. “We agree to a trade, lure him out of hiding, and then we kill him.”

“And the person you’re going to offer to exchange is me,” she said numbly.

Alec leaned forward. “Let me make this clear. We are not trading you. You are not going with him.”

Lilac nodded, trying to keep her breathing steady. She got it. She really did. And she thought it was the best idea she’d heard.

There was just one problem . . .

“Not. Fucking. Happening.”

Yep. That problem.


They were all out of their fucking minds.

Tanner couldn’t believe they were even discussing this. Because it wasn’t happening.

“I’ll do it.”

His heart stopped. His head nearly exploded.

“You will not!” Standing, he deposited her on the chair he’d been sitting on and started pacing. “This will not happen.”

“Tanner, it’s the best idea.” She stared up at him with wide eyes.


“This is our only chance to get him out in the open. I take it you have a plan to, uh, take care of him.”

Tanner watched her swallow heavily as she said that. It couldn’t be easy for her to talk about killing her own brother, no matter how much of a monster he was.

“That’s where Tanner comes in,” Alec said. “And Raid. Butch too.”

“What?” Tanner asked. What was he talking about?

“We’re going to need to scout out a place where we can set you guys up so you can stay hidden with a scope and rifle.”

“You want me to shoot him?” Tanner asked. Not that he was against the idea, he was just surprised.

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