Page 171 of Malone's Fate

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“Then a few days ago, Stefan packed up and left with several of his men.”

“What?” Her gaze shot up. “Where did he go?”

“Darlin’, he’s headed here. It’s likely that he’s here already. Somewhere around Haven. I don’t think he’d show his face here yet. Although I could be wrong.”

Would he do that? Just appear in Haven?

“He might,” she said. “Stefan thinks he’s more powerful than everyone else. He might be that bold.”

“That’s what Regent said, too,” Alec replied.

“How did he find her, though?” Raid asked.

“A few days ago?” she whispered. So, it didn’t sound like he’d had someone here all this time. Maybe he sent someone periodically or had paid someone off to inform for him. Or perhaps . . .

“It could have been the hospital,” she said. “It was why I didn’t want my name in the system. Lilac isn’t a common name. And if he knew about Ryleigh’s connection to you . . . he might have had someone scanning for Lilac Malone. I don’t know. Maybe that’s a stretch. But he’s powerful and rich and has some clever people working for him.”

“That’s a possibility,” Alec said.

“So, by giving you my last name, I could have put you on his radar?” Tanner asked, sounding pained.

“Hey, no.” She turned to cup his face. “The fact that someone called Lilac turned up in a hospital around my age was possibly enough for him to investigate. This isn’t on you.”

He didn’t look convinced.

“How does any of this lead to Regent suggesting we negotiate with him?” Tanner asked. “For what exactly?”

“For me,” she said quietly. “Do you want to negotiate for Ryleigh, Kye, and Opal’s safety with me?” And then she would kill him.

Trouble was, she didn’t know if she could do it anymore.

If she could leave Tanner. If she’d be able to take down Stefan alone. Because she didn’t want to be alone anymore.

“I . . . I can’t,” she said before any of them could speak. Tears drifted down her cheeks. “I can’t go back to him. Please don’t make me.”

“Like fuck anyone is making you!”

To her shock, the outburst came from Raid. He started pacing. “Damn it, Alec.”

Tanner turned her, so her legs straddled his. He cupped her face, wiping away her tears. His face was intense. Stern. “Not happening. Ever. You hear me? Not. Ever.”

With a sob, she leaned into him, her face pressed to his chest as she cried.

It was embarrassing, but she couldn’t stop. Behind her, voices raged.

“Stop!” Alec ordered. “All of you listen to me. We are not sending her back. And I’m insulted you thought I would allow that to happen.”

Oh no.

She hadn’t meant to upset him.

“Sorry,” she said, turning in Tanner’s arms.

He arranged her so she was sitting side-on. Then he grabbed a tissue to wipe her face.

Alec pointed at her. “You do not apologize to me. Understand?” Then he turned that finger to his brothers. “You lot, I’m disappointed in.”

“What could we possibly bargain with, then?” Raid asked, pacing back and forth.

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