Page 131 of Malone's Fate

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“I’ve been keeping a close eye on her when she gets out of bed,” Tanner offered.

“I’ve heard you’ve been a big help,” the doctor smiled at Tanner.

For some reason, that made her want to frown. Was she feeling jealous? Of the doctor who had to be at least fifteen years older than Tanner?

Don’t be an idiot.

Besides, Tanner doesn’t belong to you.

Still, she felt like she needed to lay some sort of claim on him. It was an itch beneath her skin.

To her surprise, he placed his hand on hers. Immediately, she felt calmer.

It was so strange, sometimes his touch was calming. Other times, it excited her.

“The ultrasound came back clear. But your bloodwork showed that you are anemic and low in several vitamins. So, I’m going to prescribe iron tablets. And you will need another blood test in three months.”

Great. She had no idea where she would be in three months.

“I’d like you to consider talking to someone as well,” she went on in a kind voice. But it still made Lilac squirm on the inside.

Tell a stranger everything?

How could she possibly do that without endangering them? Without stripping herself raw?

Would there be anything left if she did that?

“How did the protein drinks go?” the doctor asked.

“They’re nice,” Lilac said in a cheerful voice.

Yep, she was gonna fake it until she made it out of there.

“It’s hard to get her to drink a whole one,” Tanner said. “Or to eat much more than a few bites.”

Shoot. What a tattletale. She glared at him.

“All right, the dietitian at the hospital is coming to see you soon so she can talk through some food plans.”


“But I need to leave. I have to get home.”

The doctor studied her. “Your color is better. You seem more alert today, but I am worried about you. However, I’d be willing to discharge you if you promise to take it easy for at least a few days. No running. No work. Try to eat regularly, drink lots of water, and attempt to get rid of some stress.”


The only way to get rid of most of her stress was to kill Stefan.

Sure, she’d get onto that.

“Okay, I can do that,” she lied.

“Very well. After you’ve seen the dietitian, we’ll put through the discharge papers.”

Urgh. She nearly groaned. But she could still make her shift. Hopefully.

“All right.”

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