Page 130 of Malone's Fate

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He stared down at her. “You can ask me anything. It would never be wrong. Unless you ask me to harm you. I won’t do that.”

“Lie with me,” she said quickly before she could chicken out. “I don’t feel safe unless you’re touching me.”

“Of course I will.”

He slid into bed next to her, lying on his back. She curled around him, putting her arm and leg over him.

It felt so nice to have someone hug her, touch her. She got the feeling that if Tanner was ever hers for good, she might become a bit addicted to touching him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked as he kissed the top of her head.

“Just that I could become addicted to touching you.”

He snorted. “Suits me.”

“You say that now. But I’d be a grade A clinger, hanging off you wherever you went, sitting on your lap, hugging you, holding your hand, the whole deal.”

“And I’d like that,” he told her firmly. “I get the feeling you haven’t been touched a lot by someone who cares about you.”

“Ryleigh is a hugger,” she said.

“I can see that. But that’s not quite the same, is it?”

No. It wasn’t.

“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll keep your nightmares at bay.”


“Where is the doctor? I need to get out of here. I can just discharge myself, right?” She felt antsy. Worried about getting home and then to her shift at the bar.

What if Ryleigh needed help with Kye? Had Opal gotten to her job on time?

“You won’t be doing that,” Tanner told her firmly. “Have some more of your protein shake.”

Lilac shook her head. She didn’t want the shake. She just wanted to get out of here. Tanner had helped her take a shower and get dressed. It was now getting close to lunchtime, and she had a shift starting in six hours.

Thankfully, Opal had thought to pack her phone charger, so Lilac now had access to her phone. It had been a bit of a shock to plug it in and have so many messages pop up. Most were Opal and Ryleigh, but there were also messages from Devon, Cherie, and Peggy. Those had nearly had her tearing up.

“But I need to get out of here.”

“Lilac, everything will be fine. Just relax.”

There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in with Abby.

Thank God.

She smiled at them both even though she wanted to ask what had taken so long.

Be polite, Lilac.

“Good morning, Lilac. How are you feeling today?” Doctor Martin asked.

“I’m feeling really good. Ready to get out of here.”

The doctor smiled. “That’s good. Any dizziness? Feeling of weakness? Headaches?”

“Nope. I’ve been all good.”

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