Page 107 of Malone's Fate

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Although she had a pretty goo idea of who he was.

“Alec, you’re the one that mentioned punishment,” Tanner grumbled.

So, she was right. This was Alec Malone.

“Yes, but she wasn’t upset when I said it. She knows I’m not the one who will be delivering it.” Alec winked at her.

“No one needs to deliver it.”

This man was the head of the Malone family. The person she really needed to find out more about because he made the decisions for the family.

Not all families work like yours.

Alec moved to stand at the end of the bed and stared down at her with a serious look on his face. His arms were crossed over his broad chest.

“You worried us.”

“Um. Sorry?” she said.

Shoot. Why was she apologizing? She didn’t even know this guy.

He nodded solemnly. “That will do. For a start.”

Yikes. For a start?

She gave Tanner a wide-eyed look, but he was glaring up at Alec while rubbing the back of his head. “You’ve got a hell of a slap on you.”

“You’re fine,” Alec said dismissively. “I can slap the other side, even it out.”

“And Lilac doesn’t like violence,” Tanner added. “You’ll upset her.”

Alec raised his eyebrows. “I don’t think she’s upset that I slapped your head. She’s worried about getting her butt slapped. Don’t worry, you’ll have a safeword, Lilac. And Tanner will discuss your limits first. I raised him to know better than to just shove you over his lap and smack your butt.”

“Did you teach him not to hit his friends?” she said.

Alec turned to look at Tanner, who sighed. “I punched Linc.”

“Oh, is that all?” Alec shrugged.

“Is that all?” she repeated dumbfounded.

“He was probably being a dick. Was he?” Alec asked Tanner.

“Yep.” Tanner was smiling now.

“You still shouldn’t have hit him.” She glared at Tanner. “He’s your friend.”

“Not really.” Tanner shrugged. “We’re friendly, but he’s a still a cop. Malones and cops don’t mix.”

Alarm filled her. “Why?”

“Malones don’t like to follow rules other than their own,” Alec told her. “And some of my brothers, well, let’s just say that they have impulse control issues.”

She snorted. “That’s one way to put it.”

Alec’s gaze moved over her. “You’re still too pale. Dehydrated?”

“Yep,” Tanner replied before she could. “They want to monitor her heart rate too. Apparently, it was too low.”

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