Page 82 of Saving Londyn

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Londyn’s mother leaned over and hugged her daughter. “I know I haven’t always been the best mother, but I’ve always loved you. It broke my heart to let you go live with your grandfather. I didn’t want you to move further away from me, but knowing you were happier and more in your element on the ranch made it an easier pill to swallow.” She straightened. “I hope you can forgive me someday for not telling you about your father.”

Londyn’s eyes filled with tears. “Already have,” she whispered.

Tears slipped down her mother’s cheeks. She hugged Londyn again and then stepped back.

Ben Standing Bear moved to the side of the bed and lifted Londyn’s hand. “We’ve all made mistakes in our lives and lost years because of them. We can’t make up those years, but I hope we can take advantage of those we have left. I want to get to know you, Londyn, as my daughter and as a friend.”

Londyn squeezed his hand, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes.

Nash could only imagine the emotion behind those tears. The years she’d missed knowing a father who’d been close by all along. He thought of how lucky he’d been to have a stepfather who cared enough to make him feel as much a part of his family as his own little girls.

Londyn’s mother and father left.

Londyn’s gaze followed them out the door. When it closed behind them, more tears slipped down her cheeks. She turned to Nash and held out her hand.

He went to her, took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. She held onto him with one hand and patted the bed with her other.

Careful not to disturb the IV, Nash laid on the bed beside her, slid his arm beneath her neck and molded her body to his.

“Stay with me?” she whispered.

He tightened his hold. “Now and forever, if you’ll have me.”

She closed her eyes and smiled. “Yes, please.”


Eighteen months later...

“Beautiful,” Sadie McClain dabbed at the corner of her eye. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you and the movie are nominated for an Oscar.” She hugged Londyn.

Londyn stood outside Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard, dressed in an elegant Versace-designed dress. At first, she’d refused to wear the gown when she’d learned how much it cost.

Her mother had bought the gown anyway. “You wouldn’t let me help you pay off the ranch debt, so the least you can do is let me splurge on the dress,” her mother said. “You might as well wear it. It’s paid for, and they don’t allow returns. It was made for you and would be a crime against fashion to never be photographed. Think of wearing it as an advertisement for the talented artists who designed it and the talent actress wearing it.”

Standing beside Nash, surrounded by the people she loved, Londyn felt beautiful and happier than she'd ever been. And she had a secret she’d been carrying close to her chest for the past week that made her even happier.

She stared at her husband of six months. He wore a black tuxedo, complete with cummerbund and bowtie. The man was stunning. And he was hers, body and soul.

With all the press time, talk show interviews and preparation for the movie’s release, she hadn’t had time to tell him her secret. Neither of them had been home on the ranch for much of the past two months. When they were together, they spent a lot of time in bed, making love, laughing and just being together.

Nash had only just returned from an assignment that had taken him to London for a week.

“Sweetheart,” Londyn’s mother hurried toward her, her face glowing with pride. “The movie’s premiere is a huge success. Everyone who attended is raving about the story, the cinematography and your stellar portrayal of Lana.” She hugged her daughter so hard Londyn could barely breathe. “I’m so proud of you, darling.”

“Thank you, Mother,” Londyn said, her heart brimming with happiness. “That means a lot to me.”

Her mother stepped back. “Did you get the contract for the sequel?”

Londyn nodded.


“Nash and I discussed it.” Londyn glanced toward her husband. “We agreed that I should do it. But I asked to push the start date out another six months, giving me a year and a half to get ready.”

Her mother’s brow wrinkled. “Why would you need a year and a half to get ready?”

“Yeah,” Nash frowned, “why do you need a year and a half to get ready? You’re in terrific shape and more beautiful than ever.”

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