Page 33 of Saving Londyn

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By the look on Hayne’s face, he wasn’t happy either. “Again!” he yelled.

Everyone resumed their positions from the start of the sequence.

“Action!” Haynes called out.

No sooner had the action started than a thumping sound thrummed in the air.

Haynes glanced toward the sky. “Cut!”

A helicopter roared into view, hovered over a nearby field and slowly descended.

Haynes groaned. “What now?”

Once the helicopter touched down, the side door slid open, and a man dropped to the ground. He turned and reached for the small woman standing in the door. Grabbing her around her waist, he swung her out of the aircraft and into his arms as if she weighed nothing.

She laughed, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Then she tapped her palms against his chest.

The man lowered the woman to her feet. She stood a good head shorter than the man and had bright golden-blond hair.

The man reached into the chopper, retrieved a large duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. The blonde took the man’s hand and hurried toward the cast and crew poised to shoot the next scene.

“Holy shit,” Craig Ryland murmured. “That’s Sadie McClain.”

Word spread fast as the actors and crew abandoned their positions to greet the famous actress.

“Oh, please,” Sadie waved toward the cameras, “don’t let us halt progress. We’ll be quiet.”

Haynes shook his head and moved to intercept the woman who was considered Hollywood royalty.

“Ms. McClain,” he said. “It’s an honor to have you on our set. To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Sadie graced the man with her million-dollar smile. “We came to see Miss Tyler-Lovejoy. But if she’s in the middle of a scene, we can wait until you can take a break.”

“If you don’t mind,” Haynes said. “We’re on a tight schedule and have a bigger scene we want to get to before the storms reach us.”

“By all means.” Sadie waved toward the set. “Carry on.”

Hank and Sadie stood silently with Nash while Londyn, Craig and Troy went through the scene again.

Having a mega-star watching made Londyn even more nervous than she’d been when they’d shot her very first scene. Thankfully, her nerves helped make her desperate fight to be free of Troy look even more convincing. As well, she’d practiced her lines enough, she said them without error.

When Haynes yelled, “Cut!” Londyn felt drained. Being “on” all the time took a lot out of her. The introvert inside her wasn’t used to being with so many people watching her every move. She much preferred a herd of cattle over people any day.

As the director reviewed the footage, Londyn remained on the set, holding her breath. Some scenes were repeated five or six times. They didn't have time for that many takes if they hoped to film the cattle drive that afternoon.

“It’ll do,” Haynes announced.

Londyn grinned at the collective sigh from cast and crew, only for her smile to fade when the sheriff pulled into the parking area.

For the next couple of hours, every person ran the gauntlet of questions. Haynes had those who weren’t being questioned working to prepare the equipment they would need to film the cattle drive.

Londyn hurried toward Nash and the two people with him. A crowd had gathered around them, gushing over Sadie McClain.

As Londyn neared, Hank held up his hand. “If you all don’t mind, we came to see Miss Tyler-Lovejoy.”

The crowd around Sadie slowly dispersed, leaving Londyn, Nash, Hank and Sadie alone.

Nash touched Londyn’s arm. “Are you okay?”

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