Page 32 of Saving Londyn

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A man walked up to the director and spoke softly to him, but loud enough, Nash could hear what he said.

“I can’t do this,” the cameraman said. “I have a wife and two kids at home. I’m their only source of income. If I’m shot or taken out in an explosion, they’re screwed. I’m sorry, but I’m going home before something happens to me.”

“Marty, you can’t quit now,” Haynes said. “We need you.”

The man shook his head. “My family needs me more. Some of the guys think this project is cursed. At first, I didn’t believe them. But now...”

“It’s not cursed,” Haynes said. “But if that’s how you feel… You have to do what you think is best. However, you’ll have to wait until the sheriff has a chance to talk to everyone. In the meantime, pack your gear.”

The man nodded and left the set.

Haynes’s gaze followed the man until he disappeared. Then he turned toward the rest of the cast and crew. “Anyone else believe this project is cursed and want to leave now?”

A man stepped forward. “I’ve got a new baby at home. I want to be around to watch her grow.”

“Fine,” Haynes said. “Pack your things. You can leave when the sheriff says you can go.”

The man left the gathering.

Haynes stood taller, holding his head high. “I don’t believe in cursed projects, bad juju or whatever bullshit you want to call it. There is nothing magical or mystical about being targeted by some sadistic bastard.”

Nash agreed. This wasn’t the ghosts of Native American ancestors trying to scare them off sacred grounds. A living man or men was behind the incidents.

“What concerns me most,” Haynes said, “is that whoever is doing this has to be someone among us.” He stared around at the people gathered. “We will find out who is responsible. When we do, I’ll do everything in my power to put him in jail. If that’s not enough, I’ll get him blackballed, so he’ll never again work in the movie industry. For those of you who decide to stay for the duration of this project, I advise you all to watch your backs. Now, while we’re waiting for the sheriff, let’s continue with this scene from the point where we left off. JP, get Lana another gun, preferably one that isn’t loaded. Bag this one. I’m sure the sheriff will confiscate it for evidence.”

Nash lowered his mouth close to Londyn’s ear. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I am.”

“Up to continuing?” Nash persisted.

“Yes,” she sighed. “We don’t know if the sheriff will shut us down when he hears about this latest attempt. I’m sure Haynes wants to get more done before that might happen.”

JP appeared beside Londyn, carrying a small gun case. He flipped it open and extracted a handgun much like the one that had had the real bullets in it. He pulled back the bolt and showed Nash and Londyn that the chamber was empty. Then he dropped the magazine from the handle and let Londyn inspect it to see that it, too, was empty.

Then he slipped the empty magazine into the handle and handed the weapon to Londyn. He left the set with the empty case and the gun containing the real bullets.

Nash didn’t envy the guy. He’d have to explain to the sheriff how he’d managed the gun up to the point it had ended up in Londyn’s hands with real bullets, not blanks.

“Everyone in position,” Haynes called out.

Cast and crew hurried to take their places.

Londyn’s hand shook slightly as she stood in front of Troy, holding the gun.

Nash hated backing away behind the cameras. He could only guess at what might happen next. Whoever was behind all the attacks was employing different methods to target Londyn or set her up on murder charges.

As Londyn performed her part, Nash texted Swede, letting him know what had happened and urging him to send any background information he could find on the cast and crew. Whoever it was causing the problems understood explosives and guns. If he had any kind of criminal record, it should show up.

And if the guy had never been charged with a crime?

They were screwed until they caught him in the act.

Swede let him know Hank and Sadie were on their way and told him to expect them within the hour.


Londyn made it through the scene, not entirely happy with her performance.

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