Page 25 of Whiskey

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Shit. Kenny must have come out of the bathroom.

Ice placed his hands on the windowsill and leaned forward, testing the width with his broad shoulders. Then he eased the curtain to the center, as far as he dared before giving Viper a chin lift.

Viper held up his hand, showing three fingers. He lowered one, then two, and when he tucked the third into his fist, I kicked the door in just as Ice reached through the open window and grabbed Corinne, quickly pulling her out.

“What the fuck?” Kenny shouted as his hand reached behind his back.

“Try it and the first thing I shoot will be your dick. Small target, I know, but I never miss.”

Kenny froze and contemplated his circumstances for a second before lifting his hands into the air.

Viper stalked over and yanked the gun from Kenny’s pants, then removed the clip and emptied the chamber before tossing it on the bed.

I briefly tilted my gun toward the door. “Move,” I snarled.

“Where are you taking me?” Kenny whined. He sniffed and glared at me with watery eyes.

“To our guesthouse,” I grunted as he walked past me.

The motherfucker froze and looked at me over his shoulder, his face awash with fear.

“Heard about it, huh?”

“Call the police,” he begged. “I’ll confess everything. Just turn me over—”

I laughed harshly, without any real humor. “You really think you’re gonna get off that easy? You scared the shit outta my woman and KIDNAPPED our little girl!” I was bellowing at the top of my lungs by the time I finished, and Maverick poked his head inside the room.

“Save it for the guesthouse, brother. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

I considered putting a bullet in Kenny’s leg, just to give myself something before I exploded, but then we’d have to carry his ass to the car, and Race would complain for days if any blood got on the carpet of his trunk.

“Move it,” I growled, poking him in the spine with the barrel of my gun.

When we stepped outside, I spotted Ice off to the side, swinging Corinne’s baby carrier from side to side.

“She started to fuss but went back to sleep when I rocked her.”

I lifted my chin in thanks, because I couldn't get any sound out of my clogged throat. Picking up the baby seat, I gazed down at my sleeping princess, and my knees nearly buckled at the rush of relief that swept through my body.

“Whiskey.” I turned at the sound of Maverick’s voice and saw him jerk his head toward a truck that was just pulling into the lot. “Let's get you two home to your woman.”

I followed him to the vehicle, nodding at Fox who was behind the wheel. Carefully, I opened the back door and buckled my baby girl into the base he’d already installed for when Molly had their baby.

After quietly closing the door, I tossed my keys to Viper and didn’t bother to threaten him with dismemberment if he so much as scratched my hog. I didn’t care about anything but getting our daughter home to her mother.

I brushed the tips of my fingers across Ellery’s forehead, pushing away wayward strands of hair. Damn, she was beautiful. And watching her lying on the couch with our daughter resting on her chest, both of them breathing deeply in restful sleep… righted something inside me. Leaving a feeling of love and contentment.

But it wasn’t quite enough to wipe out the rage burning in my gut. I needed to get this shit over with so I could come back to my girls with nothing but our future in my mind.

When I arrived home with Corinne, Ellery had been beside herself. She’d clutched our little girl to her and sobbed into my chest as I held them both. I hated to wake her, but I didn’t want to leave without letting her know.

“Ellery,” I whispered, running the tip of my digit along her soft cheek. “Wake up, baby.”

She stirred, and her arms tightened around Corinne for a second, before relaxing again. It would be a while before either of us was comfortable letting Corinne out of our arms.

“I need to take care of some club business. A couple of prospects will be outside keeping watch, but I want you to lock up and set the alarm after I leave.”

Ellery’s brows drew down, and worry crept into her hazel orbs.

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