Page 24 of Whiskey

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I kissed her quickly and told her, “I’ll call when I have news.” Then I rushed out to the front of the clubhouse, where several of my brothers waited, ready to back me up.

It was getting dark when we rode up to the motel, but we didn’t want the noise of our Harleys tipping Kenny off. Or anyone being able to point the cops toward a group of bikers after he disappeared. Although the chief of police was a friend, he wouldn’t break the law for us. He did bend it on occasion, though.

We parked at the grocery store next door and made our way to the front office. Some of my boys spread out to keep an eye on the room doors in case Kenny made a run for it.

Deviant walked around the side of the building, and a second later, the lights in the office went out.

“What the fuck?” someone exclaimed from inside.

Knowing the cameras were now down, I strode inside and straight up to the counter. Before the pipsqueak on the other side even realized what was happening, he had a gun pressed to his forehead.

“Kenny Harrilson. What room is he in?”

“I-uh-I don’t know,” the kid stammered. “I h-have t-to look it up in the-um-computer.”

“Unplug the camera,” I growled.

He reached over to the wall behind him and grabbed the cord hanging down from the camera mounted in the corner by the ceiling. Once he’d yanked it out of the socket, I called back to Storm—our Road Captain—who was holding the door open. “Lights.”

He shouted the same word, and a second later, the electricity came back on.

The kid blinked a few times, but then he went cross-eyed looking at the gun pressed between his eyebrows.

“Look it up,” I demanded, gesturing to the computer with the barrel of my pistol.

The computer had whirred to life, so he cautiously turned toward it and typed in a password. A program opened, and he scrolled through a database for a moment. His eyes were filled with terror when he faced me again. His voice was weak when he explained, “There’s no Kenny registered.”

An idea occurred to me, and I grunted in disgust, “Try Laura Thomas.” The sick bastard probably thought he was being clever.

“R-room-um 12.”

Storm stepped inside and slammed a fat roll of cash onto the counter. “We were never here. And if word gets out that we were, you’ll pay that back with your fingers, toes, and teeth. Is that clear?”

The kid nodded vigorously and tentatively reached out to grab the money. Once he had it in his grasp, he shoved it in his pocket and ran out the back door, shouting, “I quit!”

I rolled my eyes and followed Viper outside. We relayed the room information to the boys, then a few set up a perimeter while the rest of us quietly approached Kenny’s room.

“I don’t want to spook him with Corinne in there,” I murmured. “Who the fuck knows what he’d do if he felt threatened and was still alone with her?”

Ice stood in the shadows by the front window, looking through the crack in the curtains. Then he melted into the darkness before appearing at my side a second later. “He’s in the bathroom.”

The disgust in his voice made me cringe. My guess was Kenny was either shooting up or beating off. I really hoped it was the former since my baby girl was in the room with him. Not that I wanted her around drugs, but at least if he was high, he’d be an easier mark.


“She’s still asleep in her carrier. He set her on the table in front of the window.” He glanced back at the pane thoughtfully, then looked at me and muttered, “It’s unlocked.”

“Does it open far enough?” I asked, picking up on his plan.

He nodded and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a multi-tool, then disappeared and reappeared in his former spot.

Slowly, testing for any sound if the metal was rusted or something like that, Ice began to ease the window open. Which wasn’t easy from the outside, but he was surprisingly adept at breaking and entering for a loaded, former pro hockey player.

Kneeling in front of the door, I used a lock pick on the knob until I heard the click of the lock disengaging.

I stood back up and turned to see how far Ice had gotten. He was using his knife to slice through the screen, which made it easier for him to push the window open even more.

Viper stood behind him and suddenly put his hand on Ice’s shoulder. Then he looked at me and cocked his head toward the room.

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