Page 62 of High Society

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Baljit: Something made her jump. Maybe she fell off the wagon?

Liisa: It’s a big stretch to go from falling off the wagon to falling off your balcony.

Simon: A roadie in my band used to get suicidal whenever he drank too much. Rest of us used to joke about it. Until the night he put a bullet through the back of his skull.

Salvador: WHOA! Can we ease up on the carnage and conspiracy theories?

Baljit: Should we meet to discuss?

All the others reply with yeses or thumbs-up emojis.

Simon stares at the screen, half expecting Baljit to add: And then there were five.


Aaron stifles a yawn as he opens the front door to Holly. “Hi!” he says. “Why didn’t you just use your key? You know you’re welcome any time of—” But the look on her face stops him mid-sentence.

“JJ is dead,” she says flatly as she steps inside.

“Dead? I… How?”

“Jumped, apparently.”

He closes the door behind her. “How do you know?”

“I saw her. Her leg, at least.”

“You were there?”

“I was too late.”

Aaron steps forward to wrap Holly in a hug, but she’s stiff in his arms. “I’m sorry, Holl.”

She slips free of his embrace and heads into the kitchen.

“Glass of wine?” he asks.

“Tea, if you don’t mind.”

As Aaron fills up the kettle, he steals another glance at his wife. He can’t tell if she’s in shock or not, but her reaction is not what he would have expected after the death of a second client so soon after the first. Her expression is inscrutable, but with her arms folded and her chin held high, her body language borders on defiant.

As he passes her the mug, he asks, “What are you not telling me, Holly?”

“Nothing,” she murmurs.

“What are you thinking then?”

She studies her tea for a long moment. “It’s all too convenient.”

“Convenient?” He grimaces. “For whom?”

“For me.”

He exhales a sigh. “You’re going to have to explain that one.”

“Two clients. Both with potentially explosive dirt on me. Both die before they can go public.”

It is a huge coincidence, but she doesn’t need to hear that from him. Instead, Aaron shakes his head and asks, “Did you kill them?”

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