Page 26 of Contract for Love

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Her neediness erupts—this slow burn has pushed her to no control. Her hands slide down, nails raking my sides, and she catches my hands. She takes them and slides our hands upwards, above my head, fingers escaping the covers. And she rises up just a little, her nose brushing mine as she rocks against my body, sliding back and forth, her breasts swaying, catching against my chest as she holds my hands tight. I know she feels the quickening of my breath.

Her breasts sway dangerously close to my face and my chin tickles her delicate and perfect pink nipples—nipples that beg to be adored, to be licked, teased, nibbled.

I gladly let her take my arms as she pleases, but knowing that our neediness is taking over I push the comforter off and tilt my head to the right, barely able to let her breasts go for the moment, and look down the bed, past us, and see our reflection in the giant mirror. Her round ass is settled upon me, the darkness is between us but I can see that beautiful glisten on my thighs, she isn’t even touching me, but I just know I’m close to orgasm. I look up at and meet her gaze and we both know the moment is coming. I motion with my eyes and a little flick of my chin for her to look back and watch; watch in the mirror that magical moment when we come together.

She knows what she wants, what she needs; her body tells her and she follows it without question. She releases my hands and her body settles back as she gives my lips one last deep kiss. And then she rises up and grinds against my pelvis and the city lights paint her skin. Flashes of amber, whites, yellows, and reds across her beautiful body. Her breasts sit heavily with her flushed, hard nipples.

It doesn't matter how many times we have done this—each time is like the first when I'm with her.

But at the same time, we know each other’s body so well now.

My fingers rake up her thighs, traveling up to her breasts and taking them in a full grip and seeing just how full they can be as I push them together. I look up at her as she edges us closer and closer.

“God. You are so. Fucking. Sexy.”

You drive me completely insane.

She is exquisite.

I’m not the only one so deeply affected. Dahlia undulates her body against mine. “I needs you,” she breathes, barely more than a whisper. “You make me crazy,” she moans with the softest mews.

She raises both hands up catching her hair, holding it up, her breasts rise higher, pulled firmer, stretching her body out. And I am utterly intoxicated.

I let my hands fall so I can soak her in completely. My palms are resting on her thighs just above the knees and I watch her facial expression as she throws her head back and grinds her hips on mine. My hands move down to her ass and grip her tightly as we rock together.

Her eyes find mine.

I love it. I am starting to shake, vibrating as I climb higher and higher.

She leans her body down onto me, still gripping me tightly with her legs. Her hands pull me tightly against her. I want to say it, but I don't. She can tell by my breathing, those deep breaths that vibrate up against her neck as I kiss my way upward, I’m close—so close. My hands swipe through her hair and clench in ecstasy.

Her lips meet mine.

Our climax begins together and never seems to fade. Time has no meaning. Tears stream down her cheeks. Her senses are overwhelmed to the point of incomprehensible euphoria. I am floored. Lost in Dahlia Dante so deep I am drowning.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

"I love you," I murmur against her lips.

I don’t think I meant to say it, but the words fell out of my mouth like the most natural thing in the world.

I don't have any more words. Slowly, like we're floating on air, which we are, I roll us onto our sides—still facing, still joined— lost in gentle kisses. A million people could be watching us or no one. It doesn't matter.

“My Running Queen,” she whispers with a sigh against me, and I beam with pride and exhaustion.

“I love you too.”

I should win more often.


“Iam not going to lie; you ran a perfect race.”

“Well, thank you, Andy, for saying so,” I laugh as sweat pours off my skin.

“But… Friday is different. All the rules are different now, okay?” he says with an edge in his voice as I drop to the floor and continue my gym session, moving to pushups.

“You ran the perfect heat race but now you need to win the final. You have to play the first 8k very similar. Sit on the heels of the leader. Leticia is probably going to lead again and expect her to go out faster and stronger. You surprised her in the heat; she didn’t think you had that finish in you after the pace she had set so she is going to set it higher. Then you also have the rest of the group. That front pack of eight… you can expect that to be 12 this time, and they are all there to win. Keep your body in tight, keep the pace, push through that pain, and find your stride. And then the final 2k… you have to go for it, Alexa. Do not wait. Get out in front and win that race early. If you wait, someone will go past you at the end. There are girls in that field with faster finishes than you. Make them come for you when you go hard in the last 2K; you have so much energy, use it, pour it out. That gold is yours if you want it, so you take it, okay?”

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