Page 25 of Contract for Love

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I keep myself compact, my arms in tight, eyes scanning my surroundings, but I pass the scuffle unscathed. Our leading pack of nine is now down to six. Better or worse is yet to be seen, but I think it could be in my favor. Less to compete within the final stretch.

Leticia is a great starter and the big names will want her to make it to the final because she pushes them to set records. For the first 8K, she is unstoppable, but then she begins to tire. She can keep it up to some extent, she finishes well, often pushing for a medal; I am sure her cabinet is filled with bronzes but she doesn’t have the speed at the finish to get the gold.

I have raced with Leticia many times and keeping her pace for the first 8K is tough. It has always been fifty-fifty as to whether I will keep up with her. But today, my attitude is different. I have no doubt, had no doubt coming here, and it shows in my running. I am not trying to keep up, I just am.

We break the 8k mark and I feel the slackened pace. I ride it for another 1000m just making sure that we are keeping good time so we are challenging the other heats. And then I make my break for it.

I don’t want to storm ahead, but I feel my legs dip into the reserves, and there is a lot left in the tank. My stride is strong, powerful. My muscles are tight but not cripplingly so. I have full control of my breathing. My body is functioning at the highest possible level and it isn’t breaking, it is soaring.

The meters count down. I don’t know how far I have cleared, but with a quick glance back I can breathe a sigh of relief. Leticia is not far behind; she is keeping up and that is exactly where I want to be, in front but not by a long stretch. I trust in my sprint finish that I can beat Leticia.

I clear the last straight in what feels like slow motion in my head. It has been a long time since I crossed a finish line first and I revel in it. Enjoying every second of how it feels to win my heat. Andy is there, I can see him beaming from the sidelines. I don’t have anyone else, but I know they are only a phone call away.

Whilst I catch my breath, dousing myself in water, I reach for my personal bag and take out my phone, which bursts into a life that very second.

“Hey, Grandmama,” I pant.

“Oh, Alexa! I saw you! I can see you now on the TV! A lovely gentleman came round and set the whole thing up for me, said it was a special gift from you! Thank you so much, I can't believe it. I can see you on my screen right now talking to me!” I hear a scuffle as she leans away from the landline to look at me talking to her on the TV and I laugh.

“I’m happy you were able to see! And now you are going to see me in the final in four days! Can you believe it!?”

“Yes,” she replies seriously. “I had no doubt, you should know that. Now go and call your special friend and tell her the good news.” I blush and laugh.

“Thanks, Grandmama. I love you.”

“I love you too sweetheart. You have made me so proud.”

I feel like my smile splits my face as I hang up and dial Dahlia. She answers in seconds, screaming, cheering—a ball of heated excitement. It feels so nice to have someone to share in my joy. She is talking at a hundred miles an hour, and all it does makes me want to get back to her as soon as possible and cover her in a million kisses.

And I can hear it in her voice that she wants exactly the same thing.


The lights are off as day turns into the night whilst we lie naked in the bed, the room darkens as the sun goes to sleep, but the soft moonlight and city stars illuminate our space. This perfect place we've found ourselves in. And in an instant, our limbs tangle, and her body is pulled against mine heat is given to her, brushing her hair from her face as I stare into her clear green eyes.

I softly bite my lip, my heart is racing, pounding in my chest. She takes me to the most wondrous of places. As her thumb runs over my lip, I don't lick or suck, just feel the softness, my gaze rising to hers and in a moment, things just melt away. Moving into her arms is seamless. Gaps close effortlessly until my sex brushes her thigh and I feel the hot wetness of hers against my own thigh. I can't explain the closeness, the intimacy. It's overwhelming and yet at the same time, could never be too much.

I love you.

I nearly say ‘I love you’, every part of me aches to voice the words in my head, but I choose to let the words linger unspoken.

I do love her. I know now that I have loved her for a while, perhaps even since the start. This is different, so very different and so much more than anything I have felt before.

My thumb stretches her lip down and I look at her neat white teeth and her gums, memorizing every part of her. I feel the wave of heat from her sex as she settles up against me, the slow tingle of my sex as I meet her soft touch. Fuck, she makes it so easy. She turns me on so quickly and makes me want to consume her. I dip my lips, still pulling hers down, and kiss her top lip and her exposed, perfectly white teeth. A soft, tender kiss only letting go of her bottom lip once we are joined so it completes the seal.

She smiles coyly, trying to play it cool. But she is beaming. The kind that makes her eyes sparkle, her cheeks blush. I'm happy, so happy. Kissing her back is like poetry. Our lips move together and against, tiny tastes are taken, touches given, my palms rise to her face and I trace her eyebrows, skim her eyelashes, her fine cheekbones, following her jaw as my nails run through her silky red hair. I want to touch every inch, every millimeter of her. Mine, I think to myself. All the time our bodies move too. Like magnets, closing gaps, skin brushing, teasing, toying.

Every movement is perfect harmony as we respond to the touch of the other all in the midst of perfect kisses that grow and explore and comfort. Our hands wrapped around the other's body, my fingertips memorizing every bump on her back, the curves of her waist and hips. I lift her leg and direct her to wrap it around me. Those long legs drive me crazy. Fuck ...I could kiss her forever.

Her leg slides slowly up my outer thigh, her heel trailing up the back of my legs. Her pussy, pressed against my thigh, parts, and I feel her blossom. Her lips spread and her folds give me that first kiss of a wet touch. Just a hint . But I know the moment I touch her with my fingers, she will be dripping; that's how she is every single time. My need to have her is overwhelming and as her leg settles, I pull her against me harder and she gives my lip a light nip of teeth.

I love the light nips. I love the sharp bites. I love it all. All of what she gives me. My hands graze against her back until I feel the thick-down comforter that rests on her hip. Grabbing it and pulling it high over her head and giving us our little private tent, I roll flat onto my back and bring her on top of me. From one side, the light struggles to shine through the duvet from outside the massive window. Thousands of twinkling lights and lives being lived just beyond the glass, but here, under these crisp white sheets, it’s me and her. And as she settles on top of me and my arms wrap around her again, we fit perfectly together.

“Heaven,” she murmurs.

Our tent. Our place. Words fail me for a minute. Dahlia is on top and straddling me—except it's more being part of me. Her fingers tangle in my hair as she kisses me again and again. Heat rises under the covers, our bodies responding to each other as that urgency starts to grow.

My fingertips never stop moving against her skin. My deep carnal need for the flesh is something that I always have. But Dahlia... Fuck. It is all the time. Her flesh is my food—and my animal is always hungry. I pull and tug at her body, feeling her stretch in the most intimate of places.

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