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Chapter 1

Claire Reynolds hated galas. They were pretentious affairs, with everyone pretending to enjoy themselves with plastered-on smiles and expensive jewelry. The wait staff looked like awkward penguins rushing around with their trays of cheap champagne and hors d’oeuvres that would barely feed a mouse. And the conversations…she stopped listening to the political commentary twenty minutes earlier. She was bored and tired and had spent the day doing her job: training and evaluating a new set of trotters for the upcoming harness racing season. She still had work to do before she could make a recommendation, and being at the gala was cutting into her schedule.

Not that she really had any choice in the matter. Not with her current employer planning on handing over the proverbial reins of his horse racing empire to his son. His son didn’t want to keep her on and wanted to bring in his own horse trainer, effectively leaving Claire without a job. She agreed to come to the Gelding Ball, hoping to find someone who wanted to take her on. The worst-case scenario was that she’d return to the esteemed Brookhaven Equestrian Center in Delaplane, but that meant dealing with people who had no idea how to ride a horse. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Excusing herself, she set her glass of champagne on a passing waiter’s tray. She lifted the skirt of her gown and climbed the stairs towards the balcony. She needed a few minutes of peace and fresh air. The night was cool for March, even for Virginia, but the full moon smiled down on the lawn of The Inn at Old Silk Mill. She could hear the horses up for adoption shuffling in the horse carriers, soft snorts and whinnies coming back to her in the cool air. She smiled at the sound. She was passionate about horses. Each horse held a special place in her heart, from the spirited thoroughbreds to the gentle ponies. With boundless patience and unwavering dedication, she nurtured them, guided them, and watched them flourish beneath her care. Claire's love for her craft shone through whether she was training a young colt, fine-tuning the technique of an experienced trotter, or simply sharing a quiet moment with her equine companions.

Turning away from the rolling vista before her, she looked into the hall where the gala was being held. Her eyes landed on the enigma that was Alexander Blackwood. He was the one person her employer mentioned as a potential candidate for new employment. She’d heard of Blackwood. Rumors of his wealth and influence had long circulated within the tight-knit equestrian community of Delaplane. His name was whispered in hushed tones, accompanied by tales of grand estates and magnificent steeds. Yet, despite his prominence, Alexander remained a mystery—a shadowy figure lurking on the fringes of Claire’s world.

Staring at him, Claire felt a restlessness overcome her, a relentless gnawing at her soul she couldn’t explain. He was elusive, rarely coming to the races his horses were entered in. He was considered a titan of industry—a self-made billionaire with a reputation for ruthless ambition and unparalleled success. His business empire spanned continents, with interests ranging from finance to technology, real estate, and, of course, horses. It made him one of Virginia’s most powerful and influential figures, if not the world.

And he was a man shrouded in mystery—a man whose personal life was the subject of endless speculation and rumor. Whispers followed him wherever he went, painting him as a solitary figure, a recluse who preferred the shadows to the spotlight. Claire chewed her lower lip, wondering what it would be like to work for him. Would he allow her to train his horses her way, or would he have very specific requirements? Either way, it would be an interesting dynamic if she were to join his little band of horse lovers.

“Claire, there you are. I want to introduce you to Alexander,” Jonas Attlebury stated as she returned to the gala. “I think you would be a good fit for his outfit. I’ve seen his stables, and they are top-notch. You would have everything you need to continue training winners.”

Claire chuckled as she fell into step with Jonas. “I’ve spoiled you, Jonas.”

“I’ve won enough over these last ten years. You were just a young up-and-comer when I hired you. Now, here you are, ready to take on the world. You need someone that can take your career higher.” Jonas laid his hand on the small of her back as he escorted her towards Alexandar Blackwood. He cut a striking figure among the men that surrounded him. Tall and impeccably dressed, he exuded an air of quiet confidence that commanded attention.

Alexander nodded to the men surrounding him, excusing himself to walk toward Jonas and Claire. He shifted the glass of whiskey he carried to his left hand, reaching out to shake Jonas’ hand. “Jonas. What is this I hear that you are leaving the racing community?”

“It’s time, Alex. I’m ready to retire from this game. It’s a young man’s business. I just want to go ride and hunt.” Jonas turned to Claire. “Which is why I want to introduce you to my truender, Claire Reynolds. She is looking for a new opportunity, and I think she is the trainer you are looking for.”

“Mr. Blackwood,” Claire greeted, offering him her hand.

“Miss Reynolds,” Alexander responded. He took her hand, and instead of shaking it, he turned it and kissed the back of it. His green eyes locked with hers for a moment, studying her. “I’ve heard quite a bit about your skills with horses and training winners.” He motioned to a small, private seating area. “Let’s talk.” He smiled at Jonas and chuckled. “You know I’m going to steal her away from you.”

Jonas laughed. “If you take Claire, Alex, you better treat her right.” He walked away, giving them time alone.

It wasn’t lost on Claire that Alexander still held her hand as he led her to the chairs. Once she sat down, he turned and motioned to one of the waiters, grabbing two flutes of champagne and relinquishing the glass of whiskey. He handed one to her and sat across from her in the other chair. “I’m curious why you are leaving Jonas’ employ.” He leaned back in his chair, studying her. Her chestnut hair was pulled back into an intricate bun at the back of her head, and her deep, sapphire blue gown hugged her muscular frame. She was a striking woman who stirred something in Alexander he wasn’t expecting.

Claire could feel his eyes on her, and she sipped her champagne. “It is not by choice. Jonas’ son is taking over, and he wants to bring his own trainer. So at the end of the month, I’m a free agent.”

“That’s advantageous for me, then.” He set his glass down, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “I am a fair employer. And I need someone with a fair hand and who cares for horses as if they were their own. If you were to work for me, you would be provided a residence, a company vehicle, and, of course, your wages. I would also provide you with an ample budget for supplies, equipment, and veterinary services.”

Claire almost choked on her drink. What he was offering was a dream come true. Jonas treated her well, treated her like family, but this? “That is…that is a most generous offer, Mr. Blackwood. But I would have to see it in writing.”

“Of course. I will have my lawyers draw up a contract and let you review it…say, over lunch tomorrow?”

The look on his face was expectant, hopeful. From the moment she first laid eyes on him, she sensed that there was more to him than met the eye, a complexity that intrigued and captivated her in equal measure. He was an intriguing puzzle—a challenge waiting to be unraveled. “All right. I need to finish out my contract with Jonas.”

“That would give me plenty of time to arrange for you to move into the trainer’s cottage on the farm. Once there, we can evaluate my horses and see what you think.” Someone tapped a microphone in the main room, and he stood. “Think about it. I’ll send the invite over in the morning for lunch, and we can go over the details of your employment.”

Claire stood up. “You’re sure of yourself. I haven’t said yes yet.”

Alexander smiled. “You will. I think the adoptions are about to start. Care to join me?” He offered her his hand.

Claire hesitated for a moment before sliding her hand into his. He tucked it into the crook of his arm as he led her back into the main hall. The man holding her hand was nothing like the enigma he was purported to be. He was a man who guarded his privacy fiercely, revealing little of himself to the outside world. His inner circle was small and tight-knit, comprised of a select few who had earned his trust and loyalty over the years. Yet there was something about Alexander that drew people to him—a magnetic allure that defied explanation. Perhaps it was the hint of vulnerability lurking behind his steely exterior or the air of mystery surrounding him like a cloak.

He laughed at something that was said, and she saw the lines at the corner of his eyes crinkle. He gazed down at her, asking her opinion of the horses that had been rescued and were now up for adoption. At that moment, Claire realized that Alexander Blackwood was more than just a billionaire—he was a man with hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, just like anyone else. And she was curious to find the key that unlocked the mystery surrounding him.

Chapter 2

Claire settled into her routine at Brookhaven Equestrian Center with one of Jonas’ new horses. She sat on the sulky, the reins loose in her hands as she let the horse walk around the track, allowing it to get used to the rig. Her mind drifted back to the conversation the night before with Alexander Blackwood. After the auction, they returned to their vacated chairs and continued their conversation. He outlined his plans for his stable, and even she had to admit that they were lofty goals. Unattainable? No. Lofty? Yes. His plans would entail years of training and searching for the right horses. If she played her cards right, she would be set for life working for Alexander Blackwood.

That was assuming he was easy to get along with and would allow her the freedom to train his horses the way she was used to training horses. Otherwise, they were going to have problems. He assured her during their conversation that she would have complete autonomy over the stables and how the horses were worked, fed, and cared for. He also told her that his foreman was looking forward to meeting her, which meant that Jonas had been talking to Alexander since the day his son decided he wanted to do things his way. Claire actually wondered just how much skin Alexander actually had in the harness-racing game. It was going to be interesting to discover that fact for herself.

The horse made the last turn, and she slapped the reins across its back, sending it into a full trot. There was nothing like the breeze blowing on her face and the feel of the sulky vibrating beneath her. She focused on the horse's gait, letting her body relax into the rhythm. This horse had already been at the front of a sulky, but the gelding needed some refining. She would let Jonas’ new trainer handle that. She wouldn’t have enough time to really turn this one into a winning horse. It was a bit of a shame, really, as Claire really enjoyed the way this one trotted. They made the third turn, and she couldn’t shake the excitement that started dancing under her skin.

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