Page 80 of One Pucking Time

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He wasn’t my enemy.

The last vestiges of my anger dissolved as pleasure coiled tight within my core. This was my Mac. My Michael.

I cried out his name—his full name—as I came on him. He grunted, thrusting faster as his cum mixed with mine. We slid against each other, the aftershocks of our climaxes shuddering through us as we caught our breath and held each other close.

I was ready to pledge my life to this man. To tell him he had my heart, and that I was so dumb to not admit my feelings sooner.

Before I could say any of that, a small cough startled us. We turned in sync to see Em standing in the doorway, arousal flushed across her face.

“I see you’ve worked things out?”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


When I left Roxie’s, I was impatient and impulsive. I knew my guys needed time, but I couldn’t wait any longer. Neither of them were answering their phones and my mind jumped to the worst possible scenarios, so—at Roxie’s insistence—I rushed home.

Walking through the door to see them stark-naked on the couch was the last thing I thought I’d see.

It was also the hottest thing I had ever seen. Watching them climax together, unaware of the world around them as they covered each other in cum, was life changing.

Bash nipped Mac’s nose and lifted himself off the couch. “Yeah, we worked it out.”

I grabbed two towels out of the linen closet and tossed one to each of them. “I’d say.”

My cheeks hurt from grinning so big at the sight before me. When I left, I wasn’t sure if they would find common ground, but something big had happened in the last few hours. The two of them were glowing as they cleaned each other off.

This was everything I wanted.

Everything I dared to hope for.

“Does this mean—” My throat closed, fear overwhelming me.

What if they got over the bullshit holding them back and I was just a catalyst to bring them together? What if I wasn’t a permanent part of this relationship?

My knees buckled and both of them rushed to my side, holding me up with solid arms. Two sets of solid arms I wanted to call mine.

“I think our girl has too many layers on,” Mac said over my head. “It’s making her feel faint.”

“I’m wearing like one layer,” I ground out.

“Way too many,” Bash said.

Mac pulled me over to the couch and tugged my shirt over my head. He pressed his head to my chest and gasped. “We were right. She’s overheating.”

Bash unbuttoned my pants and tore them to the ground, cupping my panties. “Good thing we’re here to save her. The heat coming off this one—”

I couldn’t stop the laughter bubbling out of me at their sheer ridiculousness.

This was Mac.

This was Bash, too. The Bash I used to know before life took away his shine.

Mac had done it. He had brought Bash out of his grief in a way I hadn’t been able to.

“Sorry for coming back early and interrupting—”

Mac pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head. “Seeing you standing there—” He groaned. “I’ve never been caught or thought I’d enjoy someone watching, but damn—we might have to set up some roleplaying like that.”

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